Chapter 5: Love at First Flag

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A\N Sooooo hey. ♥just wanted to say hi and have a nice day!

My cabin shrieks and jumps up and down when we inspect the schedule closer.

"Cabin Pine and Cabin Rose vs. Cabin Cougar and Cabin Geode, Capture the Flag." Our first challenge! I'm ecstatic that it's CTF, because I just happen to be amazing at it ;)

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe we get to play Capture the flag!!!!" Chanella squeals excitedly. The rest of us grin and nod. A knock on our door tells us it's breakfast, and we get ready hurriedly, a little whirlwind of lip gloss and chattering.

At Breakfast

I pile a piece of toast, a banana, and a yogurt on my plate and fill up my cup with orange juice. Our Cabin has to sit with Cabin Rose today, to devise strategy and plan for our first challenge in the games.

"Hayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" An irritatingly whiny blonde girl greets us over enthusiastically, with only a granola bar sitting on her plate. Ugh, she's probably one of those "I look like a model but I think I'm fat" girls...

We all glance around at our "team" and I mentally facepalm. Why them?! They're all so... girly. No doubt we'll be out of these games before we even have a chance to say hello.

"Um..." I glance at the blonde girl nervously. "Hello. My name's Kate." She smiles preppily, but when the others start to chat, sends me a look that only I can see.

"Listen, Kate." She sneers quietly. "I know you've been eying Eric, and I would suggest not doing that around me." She flips her long ponytail and snaps her pink gum aggressively, smiling again with hidden daggers behind her eyes.

"I'm Kira, by the way. Eric's girlfriend." Her nice-girl-turned-mean expression shoots malice.

Later that day

"Okay, Campers, here's how the game works..." The fabulous Head of Camp, Flint, raises a megaphone to his mouth.

" just get the flag and win!" We all cheer and nod. Cabin Rose is standing a few yards away, giggling and twisting their hair. Well fuck.


"ALANI! COME ON, COME ON, MOVE A LITTLE CLOSER... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We all scream and shout, cheering as Alani runs back through the field to our side, flag in hand. (I just made two song lyric references in one sentence whaaat) Eric's cabin groans and boos. We stick our tounges out and laugh, glad to have beaten them at last.

"OMG, like, I didn't even think we could beat them, riiiiiight??" Kira whines in. her high-pitched voice, as if she actually did a damn thing...

"Like, I know, riiiiiiight?" Another voice squeals in an uncanny mock of Kira. I look over and see Alani laughing her butt off as she imitates the annoying tone. Our Cabin laughs like crazy, and it's only when Kira gives us a death glare that our giggles fade into short gasps of laughter.

"Ooh, so damn hilarious, hmmm?" She gives us a sharp look, and everyone from my Cabin start guffawing again as I let out a loud snort. She "Hmph!" s dramatically and stalks away with her band of pretties.

"I can't believe we got beaten by a group of chicks, dude!" A low voice complains a few feet away. We all exchange a look and walk over towards Cabin Eagle, still chuckling quietly.

"What's that? They're... surprised that we beat them? Well we told them, didn't we?" Chanella says loudly as we stop a foot short of their group. I giggle and nod.

"Why, yes we did, Chanella. Perhaps they can't hear properly? Or didn't listen?" We rub it in their faces, which is a little harsh, but it felt good.  The boys snort and laugh.

"We l-let you win!" A lanky boy exclaims. Eric crosses his arms and winks at me. I blush, suddenly interested in my shoelaces. Whenever he does that I just... melt.


hey dar

so new chapter

with Eric

and Kate

and a lil sass

bai and stay adorable

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