Chapter 2

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Hey guys. Yep thats right two uploads in two days. It's  a miracle what you can accomplish with no homework and no school.WOO. I hope you guys like it. I'm actually starting to get excited about this book. I think I'm going to finish it. I havn't decided yet.




Stiles POV

We were currently on the way to the hospital to see Scott. I still couldn't figure out what happened to him. I mean as far as I knwe all of the hunters were currently out of town for the next month. Allyson was the only one in that line that was still here. Mainly because she heard what happened to Scott and is currently in the waiting room. Waiting till he can have visiters.

We pulled in front of the hospital within minutes. When Derek said he'd speed the whole way here he was not kidding.

When I got out of the car I had to resist the urge to kiss the ground.

" Remind me not to get in the same car as you when you are in a hurry." I told Derek glaring at him.

He raised his hands up like he was innocent. " You are the one who were going to come here stinking like you were and I was not going to let you in my car smelling like that." He said his nostrils flaring like he could still remember the smell.

" It wasnt that bad." I replied my glare deepening.

" It is to a werewolf. We're sensitive to smell. We can smell anyone from a mile away. We can also tell when they are ummm. Horny." He finished starting to walk off seeming somewhat embarrased for what I wasn't sure. Then I thought back to all the times I've een with him and at least two of those times I got turned around him.

" Where is Scott's room" He asked when I started folowing him.

" I think it's room 216, and can I ask you a question?"

" You just did."

" Haha." I said wondering if he could fill the glare I was sending him. " Why are you helping Scott anyway. I mean you don't like either of us. So I don't understand."

He never answered me just scanned th area to see if anypone was outside.

" I highly doubt anyone is out here at.... 2 a clock am in a town this small." I said after checking my watch to check the time.

" I am making sure." He said before walking up close to the wall. When he turned back to me his eyes were glowing bright blue. Before I could run away he started talking.

" Relax I'm not going to attack you." I relaxed just breifly before Derek grabed me around the waist and put me on his back before literally climbing up the wall of the hospital.

" What are you doing." I yelled gripping him tightly.

" Shut up or we'll get caught." He whispered/yelled back to me.

" Stop put me down I am not a girl." About this time we landed on a balcony why there was a balcony on a hospital don't ask me there just was. Derek stopped there and slammed against a wall. His body flat against mine.

" Shut up." He said again whispering/yelling at me.

" Get off of..."  i didn't get to finish. Right when my mouth opened Derek kissed me smothering my yells. It didn't take long at all for my yells to turn into a toung fight. We battled for dominance. Of course he won. The kiss was over to soon for my liking.

" What did you do that for?" I asked him.

" You wouldn't shut up and someone was about to look out their winow."

" Oh." I said quietly I looked down. Trying to make the tears in my eyes go away.

" Are you crying?" Derek asked.

" Your stepping on my foot." I said coming up with a quick excuse that was true enough. Not hard enough to make me cry but he didn't know that.

" Oh..." He said looking down before taking his foot off of mine.

" Now what are you doing?"

" I am getting you to Scott." He said like I was the stupidest person in the world.

" You do know there is a thing called a door." I asked.

" We wouldn't get up to Scotts room if we went through the door now do you want to see your friend or not." He asked.

" Fine." I said. " But this time I can get on you myself."

" Fine" He said."

" Now get on your knees." I said silently shaking with laughter.

I was shocked to find that when I climbed onto his back that he too was shaking with laughter.

Right when I positiond myself the way I wanted he took off. Going straight up before landing outside a window. Looking through it I saw Scott  leaning up kissing Allison.

" Of course" i said quietly.

" What."

" He is kissing Allison."

" You can see that?"

" Yea quite clearly I guess if your a girl and remotely pretty you can get anything you want."

" I still can't believe you can see that it is hard for me to see."

" What how is it hard to see?"

" Hold on tight." He said before climbing us up to the roof of the hospital.

He let me down before getting into my face and looking into my eyes.

" What?" I asked.

" Umm I think you are turning into a wolf." All the sounds around us stopped with that comment.


Hey guys I hope you liked it. It would erally motivate me to upload sooner if you would vote,comment,like, or fan.

Love Amanda

The big bad wolf has a sweet side a Derek/Stiles boyxboy love storyWhere stories live. Discover now