Doug's Point Of View

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Day 1: Doug's Point Of View

"Welcome everyone. This is only day one so it will not be harsh or long. Today I will be testing you to see if you have learned anything in your sessions that you took in jail. You all may know each other but I do not know you so let's introduce ourselves. I will go first then we will go clockwise. My name is Doug. I will be your therapist for as long as you need me. If you do not need me, you will be free to go. I am here to listen to you and here you out."

"My name is Jerry. I took a plea bargain and did twenty five years for raping and drugging 8 teenage girls in this state."

"My name is Andy. I did fifteen years for distributing child pornography."

"My name is Bobby and I did ten years for accusations and false information of touching my step daughter. In Jail I was raped."

"My name is Kyle. I was set up and sent to jail for ten years. I was charged with having sex with a minor."

"My name is Rick. I beat my wife to death. I was sentenced to twenty five years."

"My name is Drake. I raped and killed three girls who I went to college with. I was sentenced to twenty five years because I took a plea."

"Thank you for the introductions. Now today I will test your urges through a rate device. This device can measure your body reactions." I walked over and gave each guy a laptop. On this laptop were normal pictures of young boys and girls, teenage girls, and adult females. I attached the device to each guy by putting pad like devices on their chest, wrists, and head. Once I began the slideshow of the pictures, 4 out of 6 guys had erections.

I noted down each reaction in my notepad. Jerry reacted to the teenage girls. Andy reacted to the children. Kyle had no visible reaction. Bobby was shaking. Rick was laughing. Drake was staring in a day dream way.

"Okay guys time is up." I turned off the laptops. "I wrote a few notes that I would like to share with you. Jerry, you got aroused in a matter of 5 minutes. Bobby, you were shaking and I want to understand. Rick, was laughing a form of being turned on? Kyle, you had no reaction that I could see, what were you thinking? Andy, you got aroused by the young children. Drake, I want to know what you were thinking. I think you guys need a way to express your thoughts so I brought some journals. They are color coordinated. Jerry gets green, Kyle gets purple, Bobby gets blue, Rick gets red, Drake gets black, and Andy gets white. Take these and write in them. I want you all to get a good night rest so we can start with Jerry's story tomorrow. Be up by eleven and be in this group room by 12:30pm. Meeting is adjourned."

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