Andy's Point Of View

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   We all sat around for another session. Their glistening eyes were all staring at me. I looked up to see Jerry’s white beard and his shiny bald head and green eyes,  Bobby with his bowl cut brown hair and hazel eyes, Kyle with his messy blonde hair and blue eyes, Rick with his shaggy black hair and grey blue eyes and Doug with his bald spot, blonde hair, blonde moustache and hazel eyes. I felt my heart drop inside of me. I was ashamed of what I did in my life and to my daughter Brittney. I cleared my throat and began speaking.

   “It all started when I was ten years old. My mother died and my dad was a lonely man who was not getting any sex. The only way for him to get off was by him making my sister JoAnne and I act out his sexual desires as if he was watching porn on television. He made us touch each other inappropriately and do things that siblings should not do. These things involved touching, kissing, grabbing, oral and intercourse.I was scared and in pain to do it.He forced us to do it. If we did not do it then he would threaten to disown us. I never went against him. He was too powerful over us.  We stopped putting up a fight and catered to all of his fantasies. My dad said we were getting too old so he made me get JoAnne pregnant at the age of seventeen. We had a baby girl named Brittney.

  I had no better options of income in my life so JoAnne and I created a website called All about Kids.Com.  I did not want to do it but JoAnne made me. She loved making kids feel what she felt. I could not bear it. Then JoAnne made Brittney star in the movie when she was four years old. I wanted to stop this but it was either I make movies and make money or do not make any and be on the street.  Brittney was in our movies from the age of four until she ran away at the age of sixteen. I guess my daughter went to the police because the next day they came and locked my sister and I up. The last thing of my daughter that I remember is her saying that she hates me and JoAnne.

I was not jail material because it really took a toll on me. Jail made me realize how screwed up I was to let our actions continue. I am weak and dirt just as my dad told me when I was fifteen. All I want to do is apologize to Brittney.

Jerry let out a huge sigh as if he did not care. Bobby began to shake. Kyle was playing in his hair as if he was a model. Rick was slouching in his chair and Drake was say dreaming. Doug blew his whistle.

“Guys pay attention because you never know when something will happen or if his story will help you. We are a group so as a group; we will listen and help one another. You may precede Andy.”

“I just want to start fresh and change my past. That is one of my reasons for being here.”

“That is the agenda to fulfill by the end of our sessions.”

“I want to clear my name!” yelled Bobby.

“Same here, I was wrongly sentenced for something that was consensual!” yelled Kyle.

“We will work through this together guys.Write a new entry about how you feel and how you feel about Andy’s story. Get some rest. Meeting Adjourned.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2012 ⏰

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