2nd Cure

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"What do you think you were doing!?" Chuuya shouted in anger, slamming his fist against the wall beside R.

The girl blinked at the male as a response.

It could've make any girl squeal at the thought of being cornered to a wall by a handsome young man. However, in this case, the girl is on the brink of being turned to fried chicken. There's no way one can call this romantic.

"How dare you interfere with one of our operations!? I warned you not to do anything! Why didn't you listen!?"


"Answer me!"

"Can..." the girl softly started.

The brunette raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.

"Can you please not shout? Your saliva keeps spitting on my face." her deadpan face made only Chuuya pissed than he already was.


An irk mark visibly appeared on Chuuya's forehead. Nearby objects rose from the ground, falling back after mere seconds only to leave a dent on the surface.

"R." his voice was stone cold. "You should be aware that your existence is nothing but a fleeting nonsense. You don't remember who you are and no one has bothered remembering you either. That said, you being alive is nothing but a waste of good luck the gods have offered to humans. You being here is bullshit. You don't belong here in Port Mafia."

"So for everyone's sake, leave."

Those words are enough to hurt even a lifeless doll. But not her. Instead of pain, she felt guilt. She didn't mean to become a burden to anyone by existing.

"...Sorry." she apologized, bowing down.

Chuuya sighed in annoyance, punching the wall once again before walking away. This time, his tail didn't follow him and instead walked the opposite direction.


11:00 pm.

Chuuya bit on his cheeks as he continue to stare at the wall clock hanging on his wall. He was seating on a black couch, elbows on his lap, hands supporting his head.

Three hours. It has been three hours since he acted irrational and shouted at an amnesiac girl. Three hours since he saw that girl.

"Where is she?" he asked himself, scratching his head furiously.

His fedora lazily dropped to the ground, making him duck down to pick it up.

"Tsch. Stupid hat." he cursed. He paused as he saw a wrapper hiding just behind a leg of the coffee table. Forgetting about the hat, he instead picked the wrapper up.

"What's this?"

"A lollipop."

"Of course I know what that is. What's the lollipop for?"

"You look stressed. Sweet things would help you cheer up."

"What are you now, a doctor?"


The memory brought a smile to Chuuya's lips. But he soon frowned at his action, a red shade tinting his cheeks. His frown then turned deeper.

"I need to find her."

He rose up from the couch after picking his fedora up, settling it on top of his head.

He didn't know where he was running to or who he was hitting along the way. His goal is to search for the girl he just scolded for being a nice person. It's true that she doesn't belong to Port Mafia. But it's not because she's a hindrance. It's because-

Cure To My Tainted Sorrow (Chuuya X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now