He did what?!

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As we sat on the stone steps by the sand at the beach watching everyone play out in the ocean and in the sand, JC suddenly asks, "Hey, babe?" "Hmm?" I ask looking up from my iPhone. "Why did you freak out earlier?" I could feel all the color drain from my face as my stomach twisted into knots. "Hey look! A skate park! JC do you have your penny board?" "Maya." he says a little harder than he ment to. I sigh. "JC..." I sigh again, only this time bigger. "JC if your friends betrayed you... what would you do?"
"Eh... depends. Why, princess?" "TREVOR TRIED TO KISS ME!" I blurt out and cover my mouth when I'm done. "HE DID WHAT?!" JC immediately flipped. "Well, not really I'm sorry I didn't mean that." I say. "He grabbed my waist and said I looked hot... then tried to kiss my neck but I slapped him and then I ran to you." It felt good to get it all out but the look on JC's face is something I will never forget. It was a mixture of anger and sadness and it made me love him so much more. "I'm just glad you didn't return his feelings." he said and kissed my cheek. "P!D!A!" I say as he laughs. "Ok! Ok!"

As we get back to the house that night I hear yelling. I hear Trevor cry some and JC threaten many things but I just stay put in my room with Tyler and Marcus. Tyler was sitting in Marcus' lap watching Teen Wolf. "Marky!" he would squeel everything something scary happened. "Look, Ty. It's ok. I'm here." he would say and kiss Tyler's head. "Mibby." he said once the show was over (Mibby was Tyler's name for me. since MIB are my initials he calls me Mibby) "Mhm?" I ask while still listening to the fight. OMG I swear I just heard JC hit Trevor! "It's ok. Their just arguing. It'll be fine." "I feel like I did this tho! I just got here not even a week ago and I'm already fucking things up!" I cry. I NEVER CRY. I was totally distraught.
Eventually JC comes in and said Kian broke up their fight. As he picks me up, I wrap my legs around his waist. "Did you hurt him?" I ask innocently. "Oh. Um. Not bad. Just a bloody nose and a black eye don't worry. Since he's such a little bitch I bet he's had to use makeup before." I try not to, but I laugh. "I love you, Maya." "I love you more, JC." I giggle as he kisses me slowly.

Falling Hard (a JC Caylen fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now