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-One Month After "Nilon"-

Olivia woke up to the sound of a belt buckling. Her eyes opened and she saw Bellamy, who was quickly getting dressed for 'work'. He was on guard duty on almost everyday.

"Did you have a nightmare again?" She said softly, standing and wrapping her arms around his chest. He let his breath go when her hands touched him.

"Yes. But I'm okay, really." Olivia nodded, and sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, kissing her forehead while grabbing his gun.

"I have to start work today. Kane says no more slacking off so I'm back on engineering duty. Or guard work, if I ask." Bellamy smiled, putting his boots on and standing.

"Well, ask. Then we can see each other all day, instead of just at night. Not that I'm complaining." She playfully hit his arm, ignoring her shoulder ache.

"Shoulder still hurt?" She nodded and he shook his head.

"It'll get better. Love you." He said, kissing her and walking out of the door that led to their tiny room.

"Love you too!" She yelled back, and a whistle was heard from a certain Raven haired girl.

"Picture perfect couple, I tell ya. Everyone knows you because you're either being all cute or being all close in public." Olivia laughed, pulling on one of Bellamy's shirts and her shoes.

"What's got you in a good mood today, little bird?"

"My best friend is working with me! Thought I'd show some enthusiasm, just for you." Olivia smiled, shutting the door and following Raven to the engineering area.

"I feel special." Raven laughed, and the two of them walked to engineering together.

"How is Bellamy? I never see him without you." Raven asked quietly, turning to face the girl once they got closer to the room.

"That's because we usually aren't apart," Her eyes glanced out the window and she cursed.
"I left my gloves in our room, I'll be back."

Olivia walked back to their room and grabbed her gloves, but not before looking out the small window to see if Bellamy was visable.

He was standing near the gate, laughing with an unfamiliar brunette; Olivia knew she shouldn't worry about him doing anything behind her back but her mind wandered to how he was when they first landed.

She shook her head and went back to Raven.


She began noticing how happy he was with the girl (who she had learned was named Gina), and noted how his eyes shined like she had never seen before. Olivia knew that they weren't together but.. she couldn't help but imagine how happy he would be if they were.

It plagued her as time went on. He'd skip their dinners and leave their room before she woke up. She finally asked Raven.

"Would Bellamy be happier with Gina than he is with me?" Raven looked appalled before putting down her tools and answering.

"Where's this coming from?" Olivia shrugged, looking down.

"I just.. the way he is with her, he looks so happy. And I usually never see him, when I do he's around her." Raven nodded, but her face was soft.

"Talk to him, because that boy's crazy about you."


A little more than two months after Clarke left, Olivia couldn't take it anymore.

She waited until he left for work, his smile brighter than it ever was with her. She grabbed her back and began to pack everything she owned (which was lacking as she used Bellamy's things more than her own).

She set his jacket on his chair, and made the bed and then got dressed. She began to write a letter, just so she doesn't leave out of the blue. It took a long time to write, and she had to look away to stop tears from smudging the pencils lead. She grabbed her bag, and was about to head out of the door when she looked down, at her hand. The ring he had given her was there, on her finger, and she smiled fondly when taking it off. She set it next to the letter and shut the door as she left.

She reached Raven's door and knocked, and the mechanic smiled.

"Can I stay with you?"


Dear Bellamy,

I want to start off by saying that I love you and that I will always love you. No matter what you do that will never change. I'm writing this only because I know that I wouldn't be able to leave while looking you in the eyes. Your eyes peer into my soul and I would stay, saying that it was nothing and that we would be together forever.

I see how you look at Gina. And no, I know you you wouldn't dream of cheating on me because that's just the kind of guy you are. It just kills me because I see how happy you are with her, how happy she makes you, and I know that I could never do that.

If you ever need a shoulder to cry on or a bed to sleep in, know that you can always come to me, no matter what.


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