Chapter 1: It Started With A Class

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Today was the day that the reporters and designers would be joining in one class, and Marinette was bouncing out of her seat in anticipation.

"Ahhhh! Girl, today is finally the day that we join classes!" Marinette glanced up to see Alya, her best friend, barreling towards her with a big goofy grin.

"Hey Alya! I saved a seat for you," I flashed her my famous genuine smile and tried to look relaxed, but I was no where near the subject. Because today, we would be presenting in front of the entire class.

"Girl, you can wipe the smile off your face because it ain't fooling anybody. I know that you are nervous but at least I will be there to help," Now it was Alya's turn to smile,
"You will be fine."

I took a deep breath in and listened to Alya. What's the worst that could happen? Looking to my right, Alya looked as confident as usual, with her determined face and clenched fists.

"Alright class, settle down. Now, let us begin with our presentations. Who would like to begin?" Every hand in the class was raised, except mine. It never really finds its way into the air, "How about Adrien. You and your partner can come up here."

My heart skipped a beat when she said the boy's name. The blonde-hair, green-eyes, gorgeous boy.

As my ridiculous thoughts about my crush continued, Adrien, who was in designing, and Nino, who surprisingly was in reporters class, sulked to the front of the room.

"Our report is about.........." I dozed off looking at Adrien as he did everything so smoothly. He talked loud and clear with his beautiful, silky voice and he looks so perfect, and oh my goodness I think I am a creepy stalker now.

"Thank you boys for that wonderful presentation. Next will be... Alya and her partner."
I nearly choked on my own saliva after she said that. I turned to Alya who was gathering her things and whispered, "Did she call on us?" She turned to me and nodded gravely.

As I trudged my way to the front of the room, Alya kept her head up and was one hundred percent ready. As soon as I turned to the rest of the class, I froze. Every eye was on us, curious and ready to listen and mock.

My eyes scanned the room for a familiar face for reassurance. Finally my bluebell eyes landed on him. Our eyes locked and he gave me a thumbs up and I blushed.

Zach, also known as Mime Child, sat right up front, so he was a huge help. Why he is called Mime Child, I don't know, but the nickname really caught on. We've been friends since, well since I don't know when.

"Our project is over the importance of a speech and presentation. A speech is really important so it has to sound fun and you have to make it sound like you are really smart. It is also very vital that you keep your voice loud and clear for everyone to hear," Alya looked right at me while saying this.

There was a long pause before I finally realized that it was my turn to speak. "W-w-well, the p-p-presentation is important as just, I mean, just as important as the speech," I began to shuffle my feet and play with a now very interesting piece of loose thread on my shirt, "A dress b-b-b-brought today, I mean, today I brought a dress so that you could see what a proper prepared perpretration, I mean, a proper prepared presentation would look like," right after I finished my sentence I looked at Mime Child and he gave me a look of sympathy.

I knew I had more to the presentation, but I couldn't take it. I ran out of the room and to the bathroom ignoring the protests and shouts for me to slow down. As soon as I got into the bathroom I saw about one hundred other girls in there, looking at my eyes as they were probably brimming with tears. Dashing through the bathroom looking for an empty stall, I heard a familiar voice calling for me, so I hid.

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