Chapter 19

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Alexis's POV

I woke up to the sound of people talking. I groaned and opened up my eyes slowly. I looked around and I saw everyone run over to me. I tried to sit up but someone pushed me back down on the bed.

" Don't get up just yet. Everything is fine." My mom said. I looked around the tent I was in and I saw Shawn laying down on a bed as well. I tried to get up again despite everyone telling me to lay down.

" I have to make sure Shawn is okay." I said and my mom pushed me down again.

" He's fine. He's got some bruises but he will be okay. The pack healer looked him over. He just needs some rest just like you." She said and I sighed.

" Where my father?" I asked her and she sighed.

" He's outside. The pack chained him up. They are waiting for your orders on what to do with him now that you're the alpha." She said and I could see the pain in her eyes. She wants to stand by me but I can tell she's scared about my decision for my father. He is her mate even though he can be brutal. You love them despite what they do. Suddenly my siblings ran into the tent and jumped on me. I groaned a little but chuckled as I hugged them. I missed them all so much.

" Be careful! Your sister is injured!" My mom scolded them. They got off me and apologized

" It's fine. I've missed you guys so much." I said to them all.

" We missed you to Lexie." Jackson and Jessie said at the same time. I giggled and ruffled their hair.

" I see you two haven't grown out of saying things at the same time yet." I said.

" No, they haven't. It's so annoying sometimes." Chloe said rolling her eyes.

" You're annoying." Jackson said sticking his tongue out at Chloe. Jesse did the same as Jackson.

" Children stop fighting." My mom said and they huffed.

" Sorry." They all said and I chuckled.

" So Lexie, I see you found your mate. He's hot." Michelle said staring at Shawn.

" I know he is but he's mine so keep your eyes to yourself." I said to her and she rolled her eyes.

" Lexie?" Jackson called.

" Yeah Jacks?" I asked him.

" What are you planning on doing with dad?" He asked me looking down at his hands and I sighed.

" I don't know yet Jacks." I told him and he nodded. I could hear people talking outside about my father. I could also hear my father complaining and yelling at the pack members to let him out. I pushed myself up into a sitting position despite the pain and stood up off the table. I walked over to Shawn and placed a kiss a his forehead. I sigh and head out of the tent. Justin and Cooper were by my side as soon as I left the tent.

" Are you sure you're ready for this?" Justin asked me as I headed towards my father.

" I'm going to have to deal with him eventually." I said with a sigh. Once I made it to my father, the pack had crowded around us to see what my fate would be for my father. My father looked up at me and sighed.

" I guess you've come to kill me or exile me from the pack. Just get it over and done with." He said looking down at the floor. I sighed and looked around at my pack. I then looked at my family and they all were looking at the floor. They all looked sad.

" I'm not here to kill you." I said to him and he sighed.

" I guess I'm exiled then." He said and I shook my head.

" I don't want any of this. I never wanted to fight you. Despite everything thing you've done to me, you are still my father and I still love you. I don't know what happened. You were a great father and a great alpha but something happened and you started to become heartless and cold. I miss my old father. My old alpha. I'm not the only one who misses that. I know mom, Jacks, Jess, Chloe, and Michelle miss you as well. I want you to stay in the pack. I'm going to be the alpha from now on but please can you become the man you were before. I understand that you hate humans for what happened to Chris but not all humans are like that. My mate Shawn isn't like that. I miss Chris as much as you do but nothing will bring him back. He wouldn't be happy with the man that you are now. Please dad." I said to him and he had tears in his eyes. It's been a while since I've seen my father like this. I sighed and bent down to hug him. I put my arms around him and he did the same. He cried into my shoulder as I hugged him.

" I'm sorry. I love you." He mumbled.

" I love you too dad." I said and he hugged me tighter. Suddenly we felt a bunch of arms around us and I knew it was my mom and siblings. After a while, we all pulled away.

" Unchain him." I said and a member of the pack stepped forward and took the chains off. My father stood up and grabbed my mom by her waist. He pulled her into him and kissed her. I smiled and I saw Shawn walking out of the tent and towards me. I smiled and ran up to him. I hugged him and he chuckled and spun me around.

" I'm glad you're okay." I said to him and he shook his head at me.

" I'm fine, love. You're more injured than I am." He said to me.

" I have accelerated healing so I will be fine." I said to him and he nodded. He gave me a gentle kiss on the lips and I smiled. We heard someone clear their throats and I turned to see my mom and dad. I felt Shawn tense up and I gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

" It's alright Shawn. He's not going to hurt anyone." I said and I felt Shawn loosen up a bit. My dad just stared at Shawn as my mom stepped forward and hugged him. Shawn looked shocked at first but hugged her back.

" I'm Alexis's mother but you can call me Isabelle." My mom said and Shawn smiled at her. My dad stepped forward and shook Shawn's hand.

" I know we haven't started on a good note but I'm going to change. My name is Freddy." My dad said and Shawn gave him a small smile. My siblings then ran up to Shawn and started introducing themselves to Shawn. I smiled at the interaction and watched as they pulled over to do something. I chuckled and turned to my father.

" I have to tell you some things about being the new alpha." My father said and I nodded. He led me to a tent that we had and we sat down.

It was now nighttime and Shawn and I decided to stay here for the night. I don't know what's going to happen because I can't leave but we will figure it out. The pack was all seated around the fire that was started and I was cuddled into Shawn.

" Are you nervous about being the alpha?" Shawn asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

" I guess a little. There is a lot of responsibility that comes with being the alpha but it was the role I was born to fill." I said to Shawn and he nodded.

" You will be a great alpha. I just know it." Shawn said and I kissed him gently on the lips. I was getting tired and I guess Shawn noticed.

" We're going to head to bed." Shawn said to my mom and she nodded with a smile.

" Goodnight." My mom said and gave me a kiss and Shawn a hug. We went into the tent that belongs to the alpha. It has the comfiest things. I laid down on the makeshift bed and Shawn did as well. I cuddled into him right away and he chuckled.

" I love you Shawn. I'm so happy that I found you. I couldn't have asked for a better mate." I said to him and he hugged me tighter.

" I'm the lucky one. I'm happy that I found you. I'm happy that I decided to take you home from the shelter that day. I love you." He said and I kissed him passionately. I don't know what the future holds for me, Shawn or my pack but I know that as long as I got Shawn by my side, I can get through anything. I couldn't be more happy. I have my mate, my family back and I'm the new alpha of the pack. I fell asleep in the arms of the man I love.

Authors note:

This is the last chapter of the book. I just wanted to take the time to say thank you to anyone who has read this book. I really appreciate it. Thank you for reading and sticking with the book even though I was horrible at updating on time. I hope you guys enjoyed it. ❤❤

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