"what do you mean theres onle one week left of summer?" I yelled
"I-" He started but was cut of once again by me.
"No No No No No! Im not ready to go back"
"Tamz just listen for a minute please!"
"B-but hes there"I wispered
"Yes he is but listen, just stay out of hes way and anyway theres a 99.99% chance that he wont reconise you. I mean your brothers didnt even reconise you for pete sake!"
"What.Ever. Anyway I got to go before my brothers go crazy. See ya later alligator and love ya! I yelled over my shoulder
1 week later
"I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this" I wispered to myself for the last halfour.
" Oh hush it" one of my three best friends Avangaline said. Gosh I love that girl to bits she had blond curly hair, baby blue eyes and a flawless skin and the same goes for Rozamond my other best friend.You would think their twins... but their not sisters and thats really unfair even JL has blue eyes and dirty blond hair.
"You do remember I told you he has made my life hell right?" I asked her
"Yes yes yes! I remember and Roza has said that to me a billjon times before aswell "
"Has not!" she argued back
"Girls, girls Stop arguing and lets go inside" Mr all good (aka. JL)said to us
"But i dont want to" I wined
"Just come on" they all said and pulled me inside the school
"Is that the home bell I year?"I asked
"No, thats just your concious talking" Mr all good said.
Yessssss! the luch bell just rung and so far my day was going pretty good without any inturaptions if you know what I mean.
I walked thru the doors to the luch hall and sat down next to JL and Ave opposite of me and Roza opposite of JL.
"So how hase your day been so far?" JL asked
"Well its been good, everyone is friendly and welcoming and no 'jerks' seen around so yeah its been good."
its been probably 15 minutes since the luch bell rung and it as going good until I felt someone behind me and not just anyone .
" Well well well, look who returned from the dead " the voice said in a cocky tone.

It's called falling in love
Roman d'amourHe smirked, leaned in closer not that I thaught it was possible. My heartrare picked up as he lowered his mouth to my ear. "you my love. you are lying to yourself. You know the truth about yourself but you wont admit to it" "You can't deny me nor yo...