I woke up to an afull smell, the spound of a heartbeat?Wait wat? A heartbeat? Slowly opening my eyes I saw white everywere.Where am I? this sure isnt my room.
I look next to me and saw none other than my bestfriend fast asleep in the chair next to my bed with his hand in my hand and hes head on our hands.
"J-JL?"My voice cracked
"My gosh, Tammy! Your awake!"
"Yeah I am" I wispered
"wwhys my throught so sore?"
"You want some water?Okay hold on Ill get you some" He said "Its probably sore from the lack of speaking"
"How long was I out for?" I asked after I drank from the water
"More or less three weeks" No wonder he looks what he looks like.
"Three weeks!!! What happened to me?"
"You dont remember?" he asked
"N-no should I ?" I asked
"Yes you should!Just stay there Im going to get a docter" Where alse would I go? Really? im in the hospital for pete sake!
"What happened to me?" I wispered to no one then it all came back to me. Me yelling at Mason, running outside,the bus hitting me, ambulance and the weirdes thing ... seeing mason at the school gate with a worried expression.
"SHH maybe she fell asleep again" I heard hussed voices outside the room, not even a second later the door opened and there all twelfe of my brothers at the door.
They all came in and stood around the bed but there was someone at the door who caught my atension and he leaned casually against the door frame his legs crossed and arms crossed over his chest with a small smile on his face... yes an actual smile not a smirk or a grin a real smile.
And just geuss who was the one person standing at the door;
there stood the one and only Mason ... Yes
Mason King!
Guys! I'm so sorry about the short chapter but i thought ill post something cause i havent updated in soooooo long but plzzz dont stop reading I have big plans for this story . I havent updated cause school is just hectick right now but ill try to update more
Tammyxxx o_O
FOLLOW!!!!! :-P

It's called falling in love
RomanceHe smirked, leaned in closer not that I thaught it was possible. My heartrare picked up as he lowered his mouth to my ear. "you my love. you are lying to yourself. You know the truth about yourself but you wont admit to it" "You can't deny me nor yo...