W...w...w..wwwhat is he doing here" I asked pointing at mason.
"What.Who?" Sterling asked. "oh jerky "Mcpans!"
"uh duh who else do you think she talked about?"JL asked.
"No one asked you" Sterling shot back.
"Guys come on don't fight" I asked them.
After I said that they gave me an opologetic look.
"I'm here because I felt sorry for you after I saw what happend to you"Mason suddenly said.
"Y-you saw?" I asked him shoked.
"Every last minute until the bus ...
I started to run after you after our hatefull words but the your dear old twin brother threatened to kill me if I came near you again, just ignoring him I had to see that you were okay.I sat here day after day until you woke up..."
"Wait since when do you care and since when do you talk normally to me without insulting me inbetween your sentences" I asked him confused.
"Dear dear..." al I heard was sarcasm ... or so I thought. " I only ever did that to tease you and then you started running away from me so ... uuuh could you big scary guys please leve us for a moment I need to say this to her in private"
They all gave him a ' I'm whatching you look' and to me a 'are you crazy look' when I nodded at them.
"So..?" I asked once they left the room
"So I tried to get your attenc-" I inturrapted him saying. " By making my life a living hell? Making me scared to go out my one home? scared to be insulted? How is that 'trying to get my attencion'? "
"No! that was never my attencion, I didn't know how to get you to talk to me and when you came back I didn't know how to approuch you."
"well it didn't look like that" I shot back at him.
He ran his hand thru is perfect hair looking frustrated, eyes going dark green.
"Look just give me one chance just one chance to make it up to you and if I mess it up ..."
he's hisatating now? what else?
"then you can kick me out on my ass no matter what or what I may say, so just ... just please give me one chance. I'll do anything." He begged me.
"Okay, I'll give you a chance but just one!" I smiled at him.
"okay thanks. I'll come and fisit you ... I promise"
After another two weeks I finally got to go home and out of this horibal place called a hospital.
The days in the hospital whent by at a slow space and the only people that fisited her where her brothers ... mostly Taylor, but none of her friends came to fisit and NO Mason. After he promised ...
hi guys sorry the update took so long, i had exams and projects and more tests it was just hectic.

It's called falling in love
RomanceHe smirked, leaned in closer not that I thaught it was possible. My heartrare picked up as he lowered his mouth to my ear. "you my love. you are lying to yourself. You know the truth about yourself but you wont admit to it" "You can't deny me nor yo...