Chapter 3:
"Just hold on there missy, why do you wan't to ply a game like that?" Alec asked. "Cause I haven't seen nor spoke to one of you in two years accept for Taylor and Will and you guys probably changed and the same goes for me" I said. There's no way one of us are going to get out of this game. " Okay Chris you are going to begin- first round we say our names and nicknames"
"This is one weird game but okay" Chris said. "well my name is Christopher Summers and my nickname is Ris/Chris"
"Do we really have to do this babez?" Cade asked
"yes you do, now go it's your turn". I said
" You are soooo weird"Cade told me
"I already know that, tell me something i don't know " I replied
"Okay well my name is Cade Summers and my nickname is Cay" He said with a weird look on he's face. "Holá my dearest siblings my name is William Summers and all you guys call me Will." He said and pointing he's finger at each one of us at the same time. " Haaaaay guys, my name is Wade And yoooooooou all calllll me Way orrrr ade! " wade said or rather let me say he screamed it.
"My name is Spencer Summers and my nickname is spens" He said with a bored tone.
"Guys as you know my name is Sterling Summers, what a awesome name. Don't you think? O! and my nickname is Ster". he said with a smile on he's face.
"My name is Luke Summers and my nickname is Lukie and Tammy don't you ever call me Lu again"he said pointing a finger as me " If you say that it sounds like I wan't to go to the loo" Haha that's a funny way to discribe a name.
" My name is Lee Summers and mmmyyy nickname is The Lion... joking its LION."Lee joked
"Alex Summers here and the nickname is Al"He said with a bored tone.
"The name and nickname is Acke" he said. Okay wow I think Alex and Alec are going through a "The name is" face.
"This is dumb babez" Taylor told me
"your dummber- Guys"Chris cut us of
"okay fine" Taylor said after I gave him the puppy dog eyes. "My name is Taylor Summers and babez calls me Ti"
"okay haha guys my name is... haha I like this game ... haha gosh my friends are awesome... sorry guys I was just thinking about something" I said when I saw their confused faces to why I was laughing." anyway some call me Tamalyn, some call me Tam or Tammy and my weird siblings call me Babez" I said "So you guys will probably say the same when I say this is geting boring, so how about each one of us says a few fact's about yourselfs, and ofcaurse we will start with Chris since he's the oldest." I told them
"okay cool" Chris says" Well i'm 32 years old, I have blue eyes and brown hair, I'm tall and a clever genious and I'm a docter" after he said that he added that it's cade's turn.
"I'm the second oldest by 2 minutes so that makes me 32 aswell, I have blond hair and green eyes and I'm a director wich makes me artistic" as he said that he slapped william on hes leg and told him it's hes turn.
I'm tall , a sweety pie, I'm sporty and clever, Im a swimmer and really old but still younger than chris and cade. I have dark brown hair and light brown eyes." after he said that he suddenly yelled "WADE! EARTH TO! Its your turn boy"
"Sorrry gosh ... okay well Im 29 and I'm Will's twin, I have dark brown hair and ligh brown eyes. I'm sporty and I play cricket for a living."
"Guys you keep on forgetting who's next." I think they are confusing themselfs "okay gus next is spencer and sterling then its Luke and Lee, Alex and Alec and then after them its Taylor and me"
"I have black hair, Hazel eyes, Im 26, clever and artistic and Im in a band" o my gosh! he didnt even breath between the lines!
" Im sterling, I have black hair blue eyes, umh im 26 and im sport and artisic and i'm a sports commentater and i play basketball aswell"
"Im Lukie, Im funny, I hve gorg. baby blue eyes with blond hair, Im clever and artistic and im a comedian" He smiled
"Im Lee, I have blond hair with green eyes and I have my own bussness; The funky shop!" He said in a rush.
"Alex its your rurn"Lee told him
"Right im clevr,sporty and artistic. I have black hair with brown eyes, Im E8 years old and I want to become a specialist. ...
ALEC! your turn! Alex screamed.
"well I have green eyes brown hair im 18 years old and want to become a profesional football player"Alec said in a rush.
gosh why are they russhing it?
"Taylor!!!Wake up! Its your turn" It was probably mean to yell at him but he looked soo zoned out.
"uh? ...O sorry I got really bored ... " figured "okay sooo Im clever Nd sporty, the second youngest, I have navy blue eyes and black hair IM 16 and your twin" he said looking at me. " and I ant to go onto journalism after school.. okay babez its your turn now.Taylor told me after he finished al of hes facts.
"wel I have bright green eyes, Im the youngest! I am EG years old, I want to become a model or a swimmer, Im funny,artistick,sarcastic,clever and sporty and my hair is daaaaark brown with blue hair dye at the split ends of my hair"
Thanx guys! you are the best"I mean I had to thank them for all that they did for me today
"babez?" Taylor aked
"whats the real reason you wanted to do this? There has to be a reason, beaucose you have a tape recorder in your hand.
"O. Haha! Funny story, well you see I talked to my friends last night and as you know one of them have'nt met you yet and she wanted to meet you guys .... but -"
"Theres always a but isnt there?" Taylor asked with a smile
"yes now listen" I told him
"anyway BUT she is scared of you cause you guys are big and scary and I told her I have a plan and we just did my plan and I'm planning on giving her the tape recorder and a photo of each of you so I went through the photo collection and I found a photo with all of us in the photo and then I wrote each of your names on the photo were you were standing and im going to give it to her. Haha. SURPRISE!!!" I yelled quickly. Ha ha ha you got to love me.

It's called falling in love
Roman d'amourHe smirked, leaned in closer not that I thaught it was possible. My heartrare picked up as he lowered his mouth to my ear. "you my love. you are lying to yourself. You know the truth about yourself but you wont admit to it" "You can't deny me nor yo...