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          Screams were heard as other tribemates came to see what the commotion was. Riola looked at the broken body with tears in her eyes and anger welled up inside her. Veral skidded to a halt beside his cousin and looked an awed expression glued on his face. The strange creatures only laughed.
      "Good, now that we have your attention." The one in the lead said with a dangerous smile, he turned to his companions and they moved farther into the camp. Riola, Veral and Morra backed away as they neared.
        "MORRA!" Came Towlers startled cry as the creatures moved farther into camp, the older tribemate ran for his daughter and yanked her back by the tail. Morra yelped in response and backed away. "Towler fetch chief!" Riola shouted then tried to steady herself as the ground shook with a resounding thud. Riola turned as a new  voice reached her ears.
      "I'm already here." Came the low growl and Riola turned to stare up into the face of a massive beast that seemed to take up most of the camp. Other tribemates backed away as the creature shifted its paws. Riola stared in awe as the beast roared revealing massive fangs. She looked the beast up and down and took in every detail of it from the strange glowing patterns on its chest and back to its glowing red eyes.
    The other creatures even flinched away from the beast then the lead one stepped forward boldly.
    "Chief Creal, long time no see." The creature said with a smile which earned him a low growl in return. Riola finally realized that this beast was her father and leapt to the side as Chief moved closer to the others seeming to have no regards for his daughter at the moment.
      "You have no business here Sharptooth. Leave here!" Chief snarled. Sharptooth only swiped his tongue around a large fang as if pleased with his name.
      "Oh but we do Creal, You stole our home from us and we want it back!" Sharptooth roared taking a bold step forward, he seemed not to fear the monster in front of him Riola seemed surprised by this.
     Chief growled again pulling back his lips. "You mean the home that you destroyed?" Chief retaliated, Riola listened intrigued by the argument.
     "Yes. And now that you mutts have restored our land we want it back!" Sharptooth shot back. Riola watched the other members of Sharptooth's group flinch and Chief took another step forward almost smashing one of the creatures under his massive paw.
     Chief realized he would have to do more then just threaten the creatures to get them away so he stood tall looming over the creatures and flicked his long tail.
     Riola watched fascinated as lightning sprung to life around her fathers paws and storm clouds seemed to appear from nowhere and blot out the sun, Chief smirked and Sharptooth suddenly seemed to know what was going to happen next. Sharptooth turned and opened his mouth but before he could shout a word Chief lifted his head to the dark sky with a strange and guttural howl. Riola flinched away from the unearthly sound but was rooted to the spot.              Sharptooth shouted something and the members of his group turned to run as Chief howled thunder rumbled in the sky and without a warning lightning struck the ground in front of Sharptooth's group then more seemed to rain from the sky.  Chief lowered his head his red eyes glowing and snarled. Lightning rained from the sky striking the forest. Sharptooth now seemed afraid and ran from the camp leaping away from the bolts that struck down around him. Others weren't so lucky, two were struck in the back by the lightning that rained down they fell to the ground raked with spasms then fell still.
     Chief watched them go then lifted his head and roared in his victory. Riola watched her pelt bristling as her father turned his head to her and stepped closer to his daughter. Riola seemed almost calmed by her fathers gaze and trotted forward to meet the beast that was her father.
    "Do not fear me Riola," Chief said as if reading her thoughts. Riola smiled and ran forward she leapt up and balanced her front paws on her fathers nose, just as she had done as a pup.
    "Father, that was...." Riola paused to search for the words. "Incredible! Is this your beast form, well duh, obviously." She answered her own question then balanced herself as her father laughed.
     "Arua-Strenua, calm down." Chief said stifling his laughter then lifted his head. Riola watched in amazement  as her father seemed to shrink, soon enough he was normal again. Riola padded forward to meet him again.
      "Dad, who were those creatures?" She asked quizzically. Her fathers gaze turned serious and he sighed. Without a reply he turned and walked to his tree and leapt onto the lowest branch, he opened his mouth to call the tribe then realized they were already gathered.
     "Everyone, it is hard to say that our old enemies have returned. Though they remain nameless to us we can't trust them." Chief said loudly Riola and Veral padded over to listen. "They have attacked us before and will surely do so again." Riola perked her ears to listen taking note of her tribemates concerned looks. "So as long as they remain here, no one leaves this camp by themselves." Chief stated, murmurs of unease spread through the tribe.
     "What if they come back?" Someone called.
     "Then we will be ready, they will not show us mercy next time." Chief called before leaping from the tree. He padded to the duo and nodded at the entrance of the camp. "Come, I promised we would be ready to fight, that means you guys as well."

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