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Riola watched Veral soar above, the elaborate twists and turns he made seeming so easy, yet so hard. Morra sat by the large beasts side shifting uncomfortably a few times. "Got ants in your fur?" Riola asked glancing down at her friend,
"Mhmm" Morra mumbled distractedly while watching the area for potential threats. "Remind me, what's Veral doing again?" She asked glancing up at the twisting creature,
"Something to do with practice for air patrols, there's talk about him becoming leader of the patrol." Riola replied, "he wouldn't stop mentioning it." She sighed hiding a smile.
"Well good for him, and here I am sitting next to you-"
"Oh Morra! Stop acting like I'm some sort of goddess to you! Yes I know, I'm a large beast, I'm not invincible, I can die. I'm just like anyone else in a way." Riola said sternly. She looked down at her friend, her gaze hard.
Morra shifted on her paws again, "can we please go? I don't think Veral needs us watching" She said standing. Riola nodded and got up to follow.

"Remind me while we're here again?" Riola ignored the question as she pushed through the trees in an unfamiliar part of their tribes territory.
"Heard Sharptooth was hanging around here."
"So it's a good idea to come here?!" Morra asked startled. Riola nodded,
"Yes while I'm like this why not go and investigate."
"Sure sure, and leave us smaller beasts to fend for ourselves" Morra snapped irritably, she stopped in her tracks as the trees in the area all seemed to thin out, most were dead and falling over from light winds. Others were still dying, "what happened here?" Morra breathed, Riola paused and looked around in wonder, like she was finally taking in the area around her.
"Maybe we shouldn't be here." Riola said taking a step back, laughter echoed from the trees and many shapes moved from the background, like they had been waiting.
"Perhaps you were right, oh great and mighty beast." Riola looked around the trees at the shadowy creatures.
"Show yourselves! I'm not afraid to hurt you!" She snarled with little confidence, more laughter.
"You're hilarious." The voice said with disdain, Riola looked toward a rock as Sharptooth leapt up onto it, "Poor poor foolish daughter, you always seem to be in search of trouble. And here you are, staring right in the face of danger, yet you do nothing about it?" Sharptooth shook his head. "You seem to think you know the world. Ha! This place is messing with your head, but I can show you the way." Riola growled uneasily. "You don't seem to get, I know you mutts from the inside out, all the same you are. But seriously Riola, you have no idea the power you hold!" He laughed. Morra watched the scene unfold uneasily as Sharptooth went on.
"you don't seem to get, I can help you with your powers. I know how to unlock them, harness them. I can make you the beast they fear." Sharptooth said with so much confidence that Riola believed him for a second.
"I don't want to be feared!" Riola snapped lunging forward and snapping her fangs around the area where Sharptooth had been. He landed gracefully on the ground and laughed.
"You see? You have no idea what you can do!"
Riola had enough and lunged forward again, this time Sharptooth didn't move fast enough and he was caught by the edge of her large claws. Sharptooth let out a loud yelp as he was raked across the face and sent flying backwards. Others of his pack came streaming from the trees as their boss shouted in pain and anger.
Riola turned and ran through the trees in a panic, Morra followed falling behind, she raced ahead as Riola got tangled in tree branches. Riola yanked her head free and kept running as the pack of creatures caught up.
"Veral!" She called into the sky as her cousin came into view, at first she thought that the winged creature didn't hear but he did and flew for his cousin.
Riola looked up as Veral came flying towards her, she felt the breath of the creatures behind her and yelped in fear.
As Veral dived towards the pack Riola felt strange, as if seized by some instinct she skidded to a stop and turned to face the enemies then lifted her head with a howl. Veral dived ahead and with a bright flash of light disappeared. Riola looked around wildly then up to the sky as a bright light appeared and a portal opened in the clouds, the swirling vortex releasing a massive winged beast, it flew down from the sky and Riola watched in awe as it roared then released a torrent of flames at the pack. Riola leapt away at the last second as the trees went up in flames.
The enemy pack scattered and fled as the massive creature landed with a earth jarring thud. Riola watched in amazement as another portal opened. The beast, looking confused, stepped through and out the other side as a normal Veral who gazed up at his cousin in amazement.
"What... Was... That?" He said surprisingly calm.
Riola had no words "did I do that?"
Verbal nodded, fear and awe clouded his face. "I was a... Dragon." He breathed "Riola does this mean?" Riola looked at her cousin confused. "Have you found a way to change back... And others?"

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