The chapter without a headline

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okay, this is a really short chapter again... hope you'll like it anyways!! please comment and vote, this keeps me writing :)

Kensi was sitting at her desk, staring at her paperwork when Deeks entered the room and dropped loudly on his chair. Sam and Callen looked at each other when suddenly Deeks stood up and left the bullpen again. Kensi not even looked up once. "Kens what's wrong?" Sam asked her. No answer. "Kensi?" his tone became louder. "I don't know." she muttered. "Kensi, He's your partner and obviously more than that!" "He's not. Well He's my Partner but not more." she lied again.

Deeks POV

How can a woman hurt a man so much? What came in her head? Why did she Lie? Should I talk to her? < I had so many questions in my head that i couldn't even Drive straight. When I suddenly heard the Police behind me I hated myself! I drove Off the street and put my hands on the wheel. I opened the window and saw McFlurry with LAPD. "Deeks Seriously?" He laughed at me. "Richard you need to see that." he yelled at his Partner. "That cant be true" he couldn't help but laughed. I was really pissed. "C'mon dude! You're cop, you should know it Better." I got Out of the car. "Yeah ... Sorry i'm really Stressed at the Moment." Now i began smiling at them. "Na, Big Apple? How you doin?" I always called Richard Big Apple because his family Name was Macintosh and He's canadian. "Everything's Fine! Laura and Emily are growing up and its getting harder. Laura's a real Teenie now!" we laughed a bit together and they let me Drive away. 'Sometimes it's just perfect beeing a cop!' I thought and for a while i forgot about Kensi.

Deeks had been sitting in Front of the TV, he was watching recorded episodes of FRIENDS and drank a Coke. Suddenly he heard the door bell and opened. "K-Kensi?" Kensi stood in Front of him with red eyes, crying and didn't know whether to hug him Or not. He did the First Step and hugged her so tight that she cried even more into his shoulders. She looked up at him and sat on the Couch. "Deeks I totally Understand when you want me to leave ... I did a Big mistake and there's no excuse for that." she said sobbing. "Kensi that really hurt. I-I still don't Understand why? Just tell me why?" he told her almost crying. "Deeks i'll Tell you..but Promise me to be Patient With me and listen!" she whipped the tears Off her cheeks. Deeks nodded. "I love you. I- I always did. But on the plane I realised something. One of us has to leave the Team...." "Kens-" he interrupted her. "Shut up! I lied for us! I didn't want to hurt you! But it had to look real ..." she sobbed again. "That's not the Problem at all, Deeks, I'm pregnant."

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