A srange situation

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Unknown POV

I woke in a unfamiliar place, I was lying on a mattress and surrounded by three walls, or was one of them a curtain? The room was small and coffin like, I blinked and a single tear fell from my eyes, I listened to my surroundings, muffled voices seemed to be coming from all directions, I listened closer and heard a section of a conversation, “what do we do?”, “I don’t know what are the options?”, listening to these voices told me  that they were both men, there low, deep voices meant one thing, big and strong, I shuddered “well” said the first voice “we could take her to the police, that may be the only thing that we could do…” his voice trailed off. I sat up at the word police, hitting my  head on the ceiling and flopping back down, my head ached but I new it was too late, the men were walking over towards me. I curled away from the men, facing the wall instead of the curtain, just as it was opened, “hey, you awake?”, I tried to stay still, I new that these men would hurt me if I was awake, its just how it was, but I couldn’t help but shake, a hand touched my shoulder and I let out a long shuddering breath, I half turned to look at the hand now on my back. It was surprisingly small, I continued my gaze until I was looking right at the man who was touching me, I shut them immediately, his face was covered in war paint, strange markings, shit, he must be a gang member, I had been captured, shit shit shit, I stammered to get my words out before I was unable to speak “I…I... please don’t I, I don’t work for them any more… I didn’t ever want to…” I trailed of knowing that it wouldn’t be enough, the hand was taken away and a voice told me to get up, if I could. I went along, standing up, my legs were weak and I stumbled backwards into the wall of bunks, I felt like I had been thrown, I shielded my face from the men, “hey are you alright, you look terrified?” said a voice. I peaked through my arms and relaxed a bit, but I didn’t let them drop completely, “hi” said the man, “do you want to sit down?” he asked his voice comforting, I walked over to the couch he had gestured to and sat down, “how did I get here?” I asked tentatively, my voice broke several times and the men stepped away a bit, sitting down on the couch opposite. “We found you on the road about 20 miles from the city; I picked you up and brought you into our van.” It didn’t seem like I was in the best situation, I looked at the man again “I’m CC by the way, and this man here is Andy, the rest of us are inside the venue” I looked perplexed, “what’s your name?” he said as if I should have said already, “I’ve never had a name, but every one called me India” “okay” said the one called Andy as If I was crazy, “India, do you have somewhere you could go,  family or friends?” I thought, I didn’t have a family and my friends were more work associates and probably believed me dead “no” I  said, “but if you let me go I could start walking again, the dessert goes on for miles, I wouldn’t have anyone with me and when I died It would be considered my fault, then you wouldn’t have to kill me yourselves” I said, trying to make it seem like a great idea, I knew that death in the dessert would be nicer that death by a gang, even though, these men did not look so much like a gang anymore, yes, they wore war paint but it looked more artistic now instead of gang-like.

“Wha-what?” said CC “we don’t want to kill you... wh-why what?”

“Aren’t you in a gang” I said quietly, these men were strange, “I swear I won’t cause any trouble if you let me go, I don’t work with them anymore, they made me I couldn’t help but…”


“I don’t work with them anymore” she had said it again, and she thought we were in a gang, this was crazy “no, we’re not in a gang, we’re in a band, we play rock music, we’re actually outside a venue right now” she didn’t have any where to go, shit, I looked at Andy, his face crossed with emotion, I knew that look.

“We could…” he said slowly, as if trying out the idea, “but we’d have to talk to the guys first”

I looked at Andy wondering what he was thinking, then he said “hey, will you be alright here alone for about an hour, we have to talk to he rest of the guys about something, but if we lock the door no one can get in, you’ll be perfectly safe?”

“Okay” said the girls reply clearly terrified, she looked about ready to bolt.

Andy got up and I followed, I looked at the girl once more, she must have been about 19, with long black hair that stretched to her waist, her skin was olive toned and she had baggy clothing on with her hair spread out over her back, I looked away and walked of the bus, “is it alright, leaving her in there?” I asked “it’s only for an hour” Andy replied, “what could go wrong?”

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