Chapter 2

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I delayed entry to my house my walking slowly up my gravel drive way, Craig had offered to drive me home since he was going grocery shopping and I agreed instantaneously forgetting that I didn’t actually want to be at home until he had driven half way there.

“Shit!” I swore under my breath.

“What’s wrong?” He had asked looking concerned.

“What? Oh nothing, don’t worry,” I replied. Only to receive a sceptical glare.

And now I was lingering outside my door thinking of an escape plan if I didn’t make it to my bed room without being seen. Now or never, I thought.

I slowly opened the front door and popped my head inside. No one, good. I stepped inside and sped up the stairs successfully without being caught, I turned around and started walking towards the end of the hall were my bedroom was when the bathroom door opened. I screamed, he screamed and then I fell over.

Clutching my chest I yelled, “Why would you do that!”

“Do what?” he yelled back.

“Scare the shit out of me!” I shrieked.

“I didn’t mean it! God, how was I meant to know you were standing outside the door!” he shouted. “Wait, why were you standing outside the door?” he asked softer with a suggestive look.

“Ew, no! I didn’t even know you were here you jerk!” I armoured.

He smirked, “Let me help you up.” he offered a hand but I ignored it.

“No thanks Gasper,” and I got up myself and scurried into my room shutting the door behind me.

“Geez, have a fight with Tom or something?” Gasper called from the other side of the door.

Was he talking about? Yep he has to be.

I smirked. What an idiot. “Yes, just like every month!”  I called back. I laughed and grabbed my phone, this story was getting texted to Demi, what an effing moron he is.

Moments later I heard talking outside my door so I leaned up against it.

“I missed you Gasper.” My dad’s voice said.

“I missed you too Mazi, it’s difficult to be with someone for so long and then to just not have them around anymore.” Gasper then said.

“What did you do? I had a wife and baby to keep me occupied but I still had free time to think of the past, the adventures, and things I sort of wish I didn’t do.”

“Like jump off the Empire State Building?” Gasper suggested.

“Liquor, immaturity and super-fast healing ability doesn’t mix well.” dad answered. My breath caught in my throat, he jumped off the Empire state building drunk! But lived because of super-fast healing abilities. This has gone beyond explainable. I listened to try and gather more information.

“I know you’re a father now Mazi, but I still see more immaturity in you then maturity no matter who long you’ve wandered the earth.”

“I have never wandered the earth Gasper, I explored it and jumped on it… a lot.” They both cracked up laughing until dad spoke again, “You didn’t answer my question, what have you spent the last sixteen years doing?”

“It doesn’t really matter, I’m back” Gaspers voice sounded sad and distant.

“I know you too well for you to get away with that answer, but I also know you well enough to know when to stop pushing, I’m here when you’re ready to tell me,” dad sounded more sincere then I have ever heard him before. Everything he did towards Gasper seemed so full of love and care. I don’t know how long they’ve known each other and the way my mind is putting the pieces together makes it seem like a really long time longer than you would think possible. I listened when I heard them start speaking again.

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