Cullens Go To Church

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     Enjoyyyy :) Im not happy right now but hopefully i can make you all laugh then maby i can smile.  


                                                                    Jasper's POV  

              Alice was currently in one of her bored wraths... it wasnt petty. "IM BORRED FIND ME SOMTHING TO DO BEFORE I MAKE BELLA MY CHEW TOY," she yelled. I felt Emmets mood turn angry. "WHAT THE FUCK ALICE. BELLA IS THE ONLY HUMAN IN THE HOUSE SO YOU DECIDE THAT YOU NEED TO PICK ON HER WHEN YOUR PISSED. I DONT THINK SO... OVER MY PILE OF ASHES,'' Alice looked deep into thought.

       "That can be arranged,'' she said. Rose stormed into the room. "BITCH DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. THAT IS MY MAN AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BURN HIM INTO A PILE OF ASHES. YOU DO ANS ILL DO THE SAME TO JASPER SO LETS GOLITTLE BITCH,'' Rosalie screamed in Alices face.

      Thats when Bella and Edward came into the room. Ugh these people were getting on my nerves with all of this shitt. Edward looked at me and nodded. "Now you all woke Bella up so can you crazy people stop srguing i pretty sure you all dont want a dead girl on our hands... cause you all are pretty capable of giving the human a heart attack." Edward resoned

     "Fine but do you have somthing we can all do... even Bella together?'' Alice asked. Emmet had his thinking face on and his emtions ottomatically turned sinister... uh oh. " Ummm Emmet are you sure thats such a good idea?" Edward asked while sharing a glance with Alice. "Of corse its not like there stakes and holy water would hurt us,'' Emmet said. "OKay then well everybody... were going to church !"

--------------------------------------------------3 hours later------------------------------------------------------------------                                                            

                                                                 Emmets POV 

         Me and Rose were getting dressed for church. This was goanna be fun as hell... vampires and werewolfs going to church.  I have the most awsomest ideas ever... im sooo self conceded :) Me and Rose went down stairs where everyone was waiting for Bella. Goshh humansthey take all fucking dayy.. Edward shot me a bitchy look. "What ever Bro im statin the truth,''

     "Well you dont need to make them shitty ass coments... you dont even know how to ride,'' Edward said. "At least i knoe how to ride my woman.. and not a blow up doll,'' He was fuming when i said this.

      Bella chose this time to make her way downstairs. "Now boys we need to chill out, before we break Esmes things. Or the house,'' She said. We all turned our heads to her...damn bella looked HOT. Edward growled at me when i thought that. But he kept his eyes on her body. "Edward tone it down boy. Waves of lust are just rolling off of you. She is still human,'' Edward rolled his eyes. "How could i forget that?" He said sarcasticly.

           "Lets Go everyone,'' Alice said. We piled in the cars and took off.

_____________________________At the church______________________________________

     After several near recks by Bella we made it to Hoe Jey MaMa's House Of God and Godlingzz. Ya i knoe ghetto church.We all walked inside. We walled up to Jay MaMa the pastor. "Were new beleivers, we wanted to get baptised today and heard you were baptising people. So we thought  we would come and get baptised,''Rose explained.

    "Oh yes gur. We would be as happy as some Hoes with some dick for ur to get baptised today. Go right up dem sters and weed get yo intur ur robez,'' Damn learn how to speak woman!! No for real im seriouse this is how she is talking. We all walked upstairs and put the robes on. When we had them on she announced who we were.

We all were getting baptised at the same time. When we all came up after they put  us under we screamed... "IN THE HOLY NAME OF OUR LORD THE ANGLES OF DARKNESS AND THE DEVIL,'' The people looked at us with bewildered expressions. We kept straight faces. They looked at us like we were stupid.Whitch what we was doing was stupid... we would give Carlisle a heart attack if he knew what we were planning.

We lisened to the sermen with straight faces. Alice gave me the look. She walked up to  the stairs at the bottom of the stage. That was when she put our plan in action.

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