Emmets Cooking

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Emmets Pov

When we all arrived back at the house we decided to make some dinner for Bella.  Edward went hunting with Rosalie.  Nobody wanted to cook though so of corse me being my thoughtful self went and volenteered to cook. Now what do humans like? OHHHHHH I KNOW!!!!!!! They like...1. Wiskey 2. Marijuana 3. Beer and 4.Coke this would be the perfect dinner now what to put it in??? I went over to moms cookbooks and then started to read in it. I found the way to make shrimp scampi. Thats sound like a Bella meal. I started making it wile throwing in my ingredients. When the timer said ding i went and got i to out the oven. (AN: I am a horrible cook so if thats not how you make it then please disregard it) I went threw mom's pantrys until i found some of her best china. "Emmet what is theat smell?" Jasper yelled. " It's Shrimp Scampi, Bella's dinner,'' I herd him mumble a what ever. Then I remembered somthing Alice will know what I out in the food soon i need to go give it to Bella. I ran into the front room were Bella was sitting, and put the food in front of her. She looked at it with a confused face, "eEmmet I dont think I should trust you,'' she mumbled. "Bells what would i do to your food your my little sister,'' I exclaimed. She looked torn. After 3 minutes she gave in and started to dig into the food. ''Damn Bells I didnt think you could eat so much,'' She looked pissed off. "You-You-yo-Ughhhhh,'' She she yelled at me, I could tell my ingredients were working. She looked like she was off in LaLa land. Then somthing in her and Jasper clicked. They started running around. "Jazzie come hether my horsssie,'' Bella yelled "Neiggggh Right awayith Masterith,'' Alice looked dumbfounded. "What the hell did you do Emmet, EDWARDS GOING TO KILL US DUMB ASS!!!'' She yelled. Oh I hope he dosnt come back until the drugs wear out in Bella she is going to have one hell of a hang over tomorrow.

Alice POV

Oh shit Edward is going to kill us. I already hada vision on how he would react. "Alice, were did Bella And Jasper go?" I looked around.... SHIT now we lost them to! I ran into the woods following there smell. I kept running and finally relized i was now on the treaty border!!!! OH MY GOD...................... they were riding on Sam's back yelling, "Faster Horsie your to slow!" When in truth he was going Vampire Speed. The next thing that happened was Bella leaned foward on Sam's back and puked all over his furry head. Jacob, Seth, and Leah all started laughing and rolling over, and Sam looked very pissed off. I ran to them grabbed Bella and ran back to our side with Jasper following quietly behind. I think for the remainder of this stay It would probly be best to keep Emmet away from any cooking supplies... come to think about it how did Emmet find drugs? I ran inside to a very red faced Edward kicking Emmet in the balls... the one place that can really hurt a male vampire. "WHY IN THE HOLEY HELL WOULD YOU GIVE A HUMAN ANY DRUGS? MOSTLY MY WIFE?"  Emmet looked scared for the first time in his life. "Im sorry Eddie i didnt know this would happen," This made Eward even more pissed. Huh i wonder what he would do if he knew  she crossed the treaty line and rode on Sam's back... that was kinda funny though. Edward turned to me. "SHE WHAT?" 'You heard me' I told him in my mind. He turned around and started to pound on Emmet's face. Thats goanna hurt like hell tomorrow!

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