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Youngjae was walking in the street when he felt eyes on his back. It had been two days since he last saw Jaebum and since that day, everything felt strange. He was watched, followed, stalked.

He knew it was Jaebum but so little did he care. He was just a ghost from the past in his eyes. In the end, it was just a ghost following another ghost.

"I'm only saying that because it's you" started Jaebum as Youngjae was opening his mailbox, "I won't leave. I'll stay until you decide to talk to me and I'll stay after that too."

Youngjae stayed silent and closed his mailbox. He walked to his apartment and shut the door behind him, leaving Jaebum at the doorstep.

"Open the door. I'll stay late, like yesterday and the day before. I told you I'm not leaving.

"Shut up, Jaebum. I didn't ask you to come so don't think I'll take requests."

"I heard you tried to kill yourself."

Youngjae closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He already knew it was about it but he never agreed to talk about it. He already told everything to Mrs Han, why would he explain it all again?

"Don't ignore me, Youngjae. I know you did and I'm sorry. So please open the door."

Youngjae wanted to disappear. Why did Jaebum have to come back and play the perfect little friend who care about him ?

"Is it because of me ?"

The brunette felt his eyes get watery, Jaebum knew him too well. That reminded him it was one sided.


Jaebum didn't say anything for an hour. At first, Youngjae thought he left and even if he was relieved, he couldn't help but feel sad. He said he wasn't leaving but it seemed like he did. But then, Jaebum spoke up again.

"Open that damn door, Choi Youngjae."

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