Chapter 1

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I woke up with a grunt because the stupid blinds let in the sunlight. I mean come on! They're supposed to block out the light for christ's sake, not let it in.

"Claire! You need to get up you're going to be late!" My dad yelled from upstairs. Yep that's right, I sleep in the basement. It's not all that bad, actually. I'm the only one down here so I get the whole basement to myself.

I dragged myself out of bed and went to get dressed. It was sunny but chilly outside so I decided to just wear jeans and a sweatshirt. After painfully getting dressed I ran upstairs only to find that my dad was already waiting in the car for me because, of course, I'm late. I said a quick goodbye to my mom and ran out the door to get into my dads car.

My dad has a regular Kia that's black. I hopped in and my dad started the drive to school.

"So, kiddo? Are you ready for your birthday coming up?" My dad asks while keeping his eyes on the road. I groan because I not only hate birthdays but also because my dad has asked me this question many times in just the past week.

"Dad I've answered this question many times. You know I don't really care about it."

My dad slightly frowned but he left the subject alone. I've never really been fond of my birthday specifically because it always brings the attention on me.

I really don't like it when the attention is on me.

I was going to turn 17 on November 9, that's one week from today. My parents have been trying to make me become more outgoing and "put myself out there" more. I don't understand why they can't just let me be, but whatever.

I looked over at my dad and studied his face. He's got almost dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I inherited both traits form my dad. My mom was not that different. She had plain blonde hair but had more hazel colored eyes.

My dad looked like something was troubling him, and it seemed like more than just me not wanting to really celebrate my birthday.

"Dad, is something on your mind?"

"Hmm? Oh no. Claire your mother and I are going on a business trip. We should be back by next Wednesday." This happened often. My parents would go on business trips and come back a couple of days later. I would ask about the business trip, but I usually never get much information anyways, so I just let it go and deal with it.

We finally pull up to the school and I quickly grab my things, put my hood on and head to first period.

Even though I was late I'm still the first one to be in first period. I like to get there early so that I can claim my spot in the back. I don't like socializing, and I like to just shrink into the shadows and hopefully not get noticed.

After about ten minutes or so students start to trickle into the classroom. It's Thursday and everyone is somewhat on edge because they are waiting for Friday to come. My chemistry teacher, Mr. Rein finally walks into the classroom.

"Good morning class.  Because it's Thursday, and almost Friday, and I don't want to do anything, I'm just going to give you guys some book work in chapter thirteen. Enjoy students."

Everyone cheered and immediately started chatting with each other. Of course who was going to do the work? I didn't want to do it either so I just put in my earbuds since we were not aloud to leave the classroom unless for emergency purposes.

See, I'm not one of those kids that likes to do anything school related. Yeah I have good grades and my parents say that I'm really smart, but grades don't determine how smart people are. Grades are a sign of obedience. My mom always says that one day I'll be able to use my smarts for something amazing later on, whatever that means.

After a while of just listening to my music the teacher gets a phone call. After hanging up he calls my name and tells me that I am needed in the office.

I quickly get up and almost speeds walk to the office. I'm never called down to the office so I was a little worried.

"Umm... Hi Mrs. Hoste, is something wrong?" I asked the women in the office behind the desk.

"Claire right?" I nodded my head. "You're uncle is here to pick you up." I scrunched my nose up in confusion.

My uncle? According to my parents I haven't seen my uncle since I was two. This must be really, really bad.

I walked out of the office and came face to face with my uncle Xander.

"Uncle Xander? What are you doing here?"

"Claire, you're parents just got into a car crash. I'm sorry but they both passed away." My heart felt like it had been crushed. I didn't know what to do so I ran out of the school. I ran as fast as I could. I ran into the nearby forest and tripped, probably over my own two feet. I was crying so hard I probably could have cried myself a river.

All of a sudden the trees started moving. Not like the wind was blowing them, but physically moving into different places. They swiftly moved, but started moving in a circle making a tornado like cone. They swirled and swirled around me. The wind was viciously blowing around me and I almost couldn't see anything.

"CLAIRE!" I heard my uncle. "You have to calm your emotions down! You have to relax!!"

I barely heard him over the roaring wind. I tried to calm down but it was very hard considering the fact that I just freakin' lost my parents.

I took deep breaths and slowly everything around me went back to the way it was.

My uncle came through the clearing looking panicked.

"Claire? Are you alright? I'm so sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen." My uncle came to me and grabbed me in a hug.

"What just happened? What's going on? How did you know that me calming down would stop that?"

My uncle didn't say anything. Instead he led me to his car. All of my important stuff was packed and in his car. I gave my uncle a questioning look but he just got into the drivers side of the car and didn't say anything.

We drove for about thirty minutes before my uncle broke the silence.

"This is going to be a lot to take in, but I'll explain it later. I want you to know that your parents loved you very much. We're heading to a nearby hotel. We'll stay the night there and then I'll explain everything tomorrow."

I lived in Maine and was kind of hoping that my uncle would tell me where we're going. Hopefully he's not like my parents are... were and he'll tell me where we're headed.

I was confused and sad and angry and many other emotions. I don't know what to do so I just stared out the window hoping that this was all some awful nightmare that I'll soon wake up from. I'll wake up in my bed and run down to my parents and rush to school with my dad.

But, I have a feeling that this is not a nightmare, and there is more coming my way.

~What did you guys think?
First chapter of the first book. I'm honestly nervous about this.
I hope you guys like this. Please leave a comment on what you thought! 😁😙 happy reading.

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