Chapter 4

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"So... how did you know we had to leave when you did? You just sat stiff and then said we had to leave." I asked my uncle because it had been bothering me for the last couple of hours of driving.

"In a way it's kind of like instinct and a sixth sense mixed with each other. When danger is nearby or we sense that our enemies are around us, it's like that little voice in your head that's telling you what to do. It basically screams 'DANGER' at you and you should really listen to it." My uncle had explained.

"Okay, that makes sense, in a way, but why did that poly-thingy want to kill us?" I'm pretty sure I'll never get the name of the thing actually down.

"It's a poly-morphic, and... that's a discussion for another day. Although, you'll always have someone coming after you. Always watch your back."

A couple more hours after driving it was a little past ten pm and I was exhausted. Trying not to fall asleep in a car after using your energy for magic that you didn't even realize you were using, is more exhausting than you think.

We got into our hotel room, but even with being exhausted I wanted to take a shower. So I just hopped in real quick.

When I came out I had hear what sounded like the last couple of minutes of a phone call that my uncle was on. I think he had put up some sort of soundproof shield or something while I was in the shower because I would have been able to hear it.

My uncle looked really pissed and looked as if he was about to explode.

I cautiously walked over to him, trying not to anger him further and asked, "Uncle Xander? What's going on? Is everything okay?"

Uncle Xander snapped his head in my direction and with repressed anger said, "New plan. We're not going to Texas. We're going to Idaho. Long sorry short, the poly-morphic that I killed today was a part of a group that is after us. We're going to have move fast starting tomorrow. You must try not to use your magic as much as possible and you have to stay with me wherever you go unless I say otherwise."

Whoa... okay, I guess that's definitely something to be mad about but honestly my uncle looked livid.

"Uncle Xander I understand getting mad over this but you look like you're gonna kill someone. Is there something else going on?"

My uncle Xander relaxed his face muscles but his shoulders and hands still seemed tight as a bow string.

"Get some sleep, kiddo. You're gonna need it."

And just like that the conversation was over. I knew something was obviously still wrong but I was too tired to try and get it out of him.

I walked over to one of the two queen sized beds, laid down and I'm pretty sure within seconds I was out.


I woke up to some rustling around but I just thought it was Xander prepping for today.

I opened one eye, I didn't scream but I did hear a few cables behind the tv in the room fry.

I guess my fire portion of my power just cooked the wires when I was frightened.

In front of me there was maybe a four foot tall person but had the face of a twenty-seven year old. He had brownish-reddish hair and was wearing blue jeans with just a muscle shirt. He had green eyes and a crooked nose.

The man- boy, I don't which one he was, was just staring at me. Then, the biggest grin came upon his face and he ran towards me and gave me a hug.

I held up both of my hands not really wanting to hug him back and just sat there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

My uncle Xander walked in right when this had happened and gave a pointed look towards the person and said, "Yolio! I told you not to smother her. You're going to scare her. She already fried the tv. We don't need any more of that."

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