Chapter 7

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I'm pretty sure you can only imagine what happened after hearing that.

Thunderclouds suddenly started circling at the ceiling of the small room. The lights started flickering on and off.

Guards suddenly started rushing in to grab me and try and calm me down but the second they had touched me they were bolted back out the door and landed on the floor twitching.

I was in too much of shock to try and control my powers.

I heard voices calling my name but I couldn't pinpoint who it was coming from and where. I briefly felt more people try to grab me but every time they seemed to fly away and ended up twitching on the ground.

All I remember is lying on the ground and watching others above try to touch me but decide against it while a literal storm was brewing in the room.


I woke up on the ground, the same ground I seem to have blacked out on. I was drenched, because, later, I found out that my literal storm started raining and stretched throughout the castle drenching everyone else as well. The lightening, however, only stayed in the meeting like room and put a couple of holes into the ceiling to the point where you could see into the second floor.

My uncle Xander was sitting in a chair to my right watching me with careful eyes, while a guard was nearby watching me with a curious look.

"It's nice to see that you've finally woken up. You were out for about 3 hours or so and I'm sorry we would've moved you to a bed but you had such an episode of storms that none of us could touch you without getting electrified and being practically blown off of you. Well, all except for Jax here, and because of this you would've burned right through the sheets, so we had to keep you down here." Xander pointed to the guard that was standing awkwardly to the side.

I noticed how stiff my back was and how tired I felt. My uncle handed me a protein bar, the same kind I had eaten in the car when I was going to pass out and gestured for me to eat it.

The bars taste like fake chocolate.

"We're actually really lucky that you didn't pass out for a couple of days, but because of your strength, even with how little you've trained, you only passed out for a while, which was actually expected, considering the circumstances." Xander referred to the 'you're going to be queen' part.

I still couldn't swallow the fact the I would one day have to be queen. Kind of like the protein bars. But, I don't know if I'll ever be able to come to terms with this.

I gulped and looked to my uncle. I'm sure he could already read the thousands of questions going across my face, but he was patient enough to let me get my words together.

But first, I was very intrigued by the guard that was in the room and I could feel a buzz going through the room.

I briefly looked to my uncle before looking back at Jax while asking, " Who is Jax and why was he the only one that could touch me?"

When I had said Jax's name, he slightly shivered. Was I accidentally bringing in a force of wind and it chilled him?

"I think you'll be able to tell why in a minute." Xander said while motioning for Jax to come closer.

Jax slowly walked towards me as if I could blow the roof off of the building any minute. Although, to be fair I probably could, and probably almost did three hours ago.

As he approached me, i felt the air in the room become a little hotter than what it was. I don't know if that was my powers or if I just felt hot, but Jax slowly kneeled down onto the floor and started to rub his hands up and down my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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