Chapter 2

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We were at our hotel, and must I say, I was pissed.

My uncle an I got to our hotel last night at about five p.m. Uncle Xander had ordered take-out from the Asian restaurant right next to the hotel but I was in no mood to eat. After my uncle had scarfed down most of the food, he tried to explain everything to me but I just couldn't listen.

"But they both passed away." That's all that ran through my head last night. Those were the only words that would not stop ringing through my ears.

My uncle finally gave up and told me to go to sleep and that he would explain everything tomorrow. Yeah, right, like I was going to be able to sleep after the news he'd given me.

I tossed and turned all night. I think at one point I may have fallen asleep because I had a dream that the lights and electronics went haywire last night, and that the bathroom connected to our hotel room exploded water, and basically flooded.

When I did wake up the power was out in the hotel and the plumbing didn't work. As if my life wasn't messed up enough already, now I'm pretty sure I'm delusional.

"Morning, Claire. How are you doing?" I gave my uncle a cold glare. How did he think I was doing?

"Well, let's see... The plumbing's out, the electricity seems to not work, oh and my parents died yesterday all of a sudden. My uncle, that I have not even seen in 14 years, suddenly shows up saying he'll 'explain everything' even though I have know idea what he would 'need to explain'. I don't uncle Xander. How do YOU THINK I AM?!"

As I was going on my little rant, the air in the hotel room seemed to rise in temperature. As my voice rose in anger and frustration, the temperature rose more and more. By now I was literally sweating because of the rise in heat.

My uncle stared at me looking... scared?

"Claire, I need you to just take a deep breath and calm yourself. Please just sit down and listen." It took a lot of will power but I finally calmed down, somewhat.

I waited for my uncle to explain. Even though I had sat myself down, the air in the room was still to the point where I could feel the beads of sweat gliding down my neck.

My uncle took a deep breath to explain, "Okay. Let's start from the beginning. In about the 1600's a women named Sala Zool was born with magical powers. Her power was she could change the physical color of things, by just looking at or touching them. She could turn a red apple to purple. A green chair to white, you get the gist. Because Sala was the first born of our kind, she had a very weak power.

"As time went on, many new people were born with many new powers. About 50 years after Sala, a man whose name is still unknown to this day was born with the power of being a time reader, basically a psychic, but you know, real. This man was the one to come up with many of our magical like inventions today. This man would write in the magical books that we call scribs.

"This man wrote in the scribs that us magical people are to be called the necromancers, or necromi for singular. The scribs holds ways we can use our magic, and what magical powers have been discovered, and much more. This man predicted that a descendent of the Morass family, our family, would one day have someone that would hold the greatest and most powerful powers of all of the necromancers. That person, Claire, is believed to be you. Now, before you freak out, just remember you have to stay calm or your powers will become hectic."

This was an extreme amount of information to process.

"So, were my parents necromancers?" My uncle nodded his head. "So, if I'm supposedly the greatest necromancer, what power do I have?"

"You have the power of elements. Water, Air, Earth, and Fire, you can control these things. When a necromancers emotions are too much, their powers become very hard to control. That's why the trees physically moved around you yesterday. That 'dream' you had last night was not a dream. Your emotions were so strong last night that your control over water caused the plumbing to go out. Your control over earth caused lightening to strike the hotels main electrical system causing the system to fry. "

I guess, in a way, this makes sense. It's kind of cool that I have powers. I honestly wish I would have found this out sooner though.

My uncle studied me carefully, waiting for my reaction. I think I'm going to have to let this soak in over the car ride.

"With training, you'll be able to better control your emotions. That's actually where we're headed. We're going to a small town in Texas. Texas is one of the safest places to be right now. I'll explain what we're going to do when we get there. You've already received a lot of information."

"Is there anything else as of right now that I need to know?" I ask my uncle, while he starts packing his and my bag up.

My uncle Xander looked at me and smiled. "Well, for starters you're taking this much better than I expected. Don't worry, I only told you the basics. We haven't even scratched the surface."

Scratched the surface? My brain is already on overload, what am I going to do when I found out more about myself and my family?

"Come on. We've got to get going. We've got a long drive ahead."

I started packing my things and I finished my breakfast. We checked out or our hotel and got into the car starting our long drive ahead.

~MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!! I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter.
Let me know what you guys think!

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