Chapter 3

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After sitting in silence for almost 3 hours I got bored and went to turn on the radio.

Classical music came on, but I actually don't mind it so I let the station play.

A few minutes into the music a high note from the violins came and I had to cover my ears. But my ears felt more sensitive than usual. It felt like a ringing was constantly going through my head.

My uncle Xander quickly reached over and shut off the music. He also looked like he was bothered by the high pitch.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you but us necromancers have extremely sensitive hearing. "My uncle stated.

I stared back out the window and asked Xander, "Is there anything that you can tell me while we're on this long drive? "

My uncle look like he was debating on what information to tell me. I don't blame him because it would be pretty awful if the car got overheated and blew up because I couldn't control my emotions.

"I'll try to give you the basics of the basics. OK, so all necromancers have many things in common. Sensitive hearing, clearly, and we all prefer the fresh air over city air. We're a little stronger than humans and we have longer life span's. There are many different ways a necromancer can tell if they have powers, if they hadn't figured it out already. A common way to find out is when you're a newborn child or have just had a newborn.

"When a necromancer is born you can tell right away, if the child has powers. When there is a newborn necromi the baby will have completely white eyes, the parents either have to give birth in their own homes and keep the baby hidden for 37 days, because that's how long on average it will take for a newborn necromi to take on regular colors, or if they live in a necromancer village they won't have to hide the child. Now-"

"There are necromancer villages?" I asked shocked.

"Well... Sort of. I'll get to that later. Anyways, we necromancers also have our differences, such as in our powers. Myself, since I am apart of the Morass Family and we have some of the strongest powers out there, I have the power of teleportation; I could just transport us to Texas but that would bring too much attention to us. "

I was about to ask why but my uncle Xander gave a look that said 'save your questions for the end', so I closed my mouth and gave my uncle a nod to continue.

"Some necromancers have the same powers as others, but they all have different strengths in that power. Those who have the same power as others will also have smaller, weaker side powers that aid them in their strongest power.

"Oh! Also, every single necromancer has the power of shielding. Again, some are stronger than others in it but the shield could help you protect yourself. If you have more experience with it or just have a strong power in general, you could lend your shield to others.

"Now, umm... this is where it gets a little awkward, but this is necromancers relationship basics and we're on the topic of babies anyways..."

"This isn't like 'the talk' is it, because I've already gotten that talk with my parents. "I was really hoping I wouldn't have to go through this again.

My uncle looked flushed and wouldn't look over at me.

I huffed and crossed my arms and my uncle took that as a sign to continue the mother of all embarrassing chats.

"Okay, well first of all when you meet 'the one' you'll know right away because your powers will start to flicker, so to say. Even if you were the most well trained Necromi, your power will still show it self. You want to be with them and be near them all the time. We call them our counterparts. The person that will take care of us and love us to no end.

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