Chapter 6

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I looked around the massive room. The floor was decorated in a diamond like pattern and the walls were cream colored with thick, velvet red curtains tied back around ginormous windows.

I was a little woozy after being teleported but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

There were people that were walking around. Some wearing black suits while others were wearing regular day clothes. They all seemed to stop when we arrived.

I shifted on my feet feeling uncomfortable and looked to my uncle for some help. Everyone that was staring was only staring at me and they basically all had their jaws on the floor.

My uncle cleared his throat. "Hello everyone. This is Claire Morass, daughter of Stevano and Marianna Morass." You could hear every single person that was in the room gasp. "Now, please everyone get back to your duties and not bother us right now."

Xander looked at me and nodded his head for me to follow him. He led me into a hall that had extremely tall windows. The floor was slightly different than in the other room. This floor was more of a wood and the hallways seemed to be long and narrow.

Xander walked down many more intricate hallways and up more grand stairways, with me following him, before he stopped in front of  a room with double doors.

"This will be your room unless you wish for another one. But this room your parents had actually chosen and designed for you. You can use the phone inside and call me if you need me or if you need anything else. There are clothes in there for you. Why don't you change, get familiar with the room and I'll come and get you in an hour or so to give a tour." Xander then opens the double doors for me and after I had walked in he closed the doors and I could hear his retreating footsteps.

The room itself was very extravagant. The wall parallel to me was a complete wall of windows with a sliding door in the middle. There were curtains to slide over the windows for privacy. There was also a balcony that had big, cozy chairs and and a glass table beside them.

Looking around the room, to my right was the bathroom with a Jacuzzi and one of those showers that rains down on you and there are different settings.

In the middle of the room was a giant king sized bed with black and white sheets that were stuffed with feathers. There was a nightstand at the end of the bed and a beautiful wooden armoire across from the bed. Next to the bed was a sitting area with a couch, some fluffy beanbags and a tv mounted on the wall with a bookshelf underneath it.

The room beside the tv was a breathtaking walk-in closet. The closet was already filled with clothing and shoes and from bedtime wear, to workout, to casual, to elegant. On the opposite side of the closet was a gorgeous vanity that held all types of makeups, hair products and accessories.

I was absolutely in awe of my room.

I chose some casual clothes to slip into. Just some jeans with a sweat shirt and headed to bathroom deciding I'd like to shower.

After showering I dried my hair and put it into a simple pony tail and then I heard a knock on the door.

My uncle Xander called from the other side of the door, "If you're ready to take a tour we can go now?" I walked to the door and opened nodding to my uncle signaling I was ready for the tour.

He took me around the entire castle. Showing the two ballrooms, the kitchen that was at least half the size of one of the ballrooms, the relaxing and so much more.

Xander explained to me how anyone who works in the castle also has the choice to live in the castle. Some choose not to because they have families or just simply don't want to while most of the employees choose to live here because it's a free place to live.

Xander also explained how there are many different levels and sections of the castle for many different ranks and people.

I got lost even though Xander was leading me around all I remember is the kitchen, which is important to remember, and my room. Other than that I remember what things look like just not where they are.

"So, as you can see, there are a lot of rooms and it's hard to remember where everything is. This right here is Laura, she will be helper and guide for whenever you need her." My uncle waved over someone who was mopping the floor in one of the many hallways we were in.

Laura came rushing over with an anxious look in her eyes."Hello. My name is Laura." She held her hand out for me to shake. I gladly shook her hand hoping for more than just a helper, maybe a friend in this huge place.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you." I replied. Laura looked as if she wasn't expecting me to answer so politely. I was a little taken back with how shocked she was.

"Now, Claire, if you ever need Laura you have to push this button." My uncle showed me a tiny remote like box that had many different buttons with many different labels on it. "This is called a toller so wherever you are you can press whichever button you need and this toller send out a signal to that person that you need to where you are so that they can find you easily."

On the toller it had many different buttons like maid, food, drink, there was even a specific button that was labeled "Laura" just in case I ever needed her.

Laura then nodded and then walked off to resume her cleaning.

My uncle then looked at me and clapped his hands together, "Okay, so, your birthday is in four days and everyone here is planning a huge party-"

I quickly interrupted my uncle, "What? No! I don't like parties. My birthday isn't even that big of a deal. I honestly just wanted to spend my birthday with my parents this year." We both got quiet after that.

Xander looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. But then he got bubbly all over again. "Well, guess what, you're having a big party this year whether you like it or not."

I groaned at my uncle. "Why, uncle Xander? I don't want a party nor do I need one. Why can't I just go in my room and wallow in icecream and that beautifully big bed in my room with the t.v.?"

"You have to get used to the attention. You're going to get attention all of your life so you might as well get used to it now."

"I still don't get why I have to get used to it. I don't really like the attention." I argued back.

My uncle looked to have been having an internal battle. He then grabbed my arm and led me into what looked to be a meeting room. Xander closed the door and then let go of my arm. He started pacing around the room rubbing his hands up and down his face.

I quickly said something because his pacing was starting to stress me out. "Look, Xander I realize you want me to start putting myself out there but I don't want to and I don't need to."

Xander stopped pacing and then looked at me, "Actually you do. It'll make things easier if you put yourself out there."

"Make what easier? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"It'll make becoming queen of the necromancers easier."

~WHAAATTTT? *insert gasps and jaw drops* oh yeah.
What did you guys think? How do you think Claire will handle it? Let me know!
Btw shoutout to lati1998 for being my first voter. ;)

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