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I burst through the hospital doors, the sound of my heart beating loudly in my ears followed by heavy breaths. I scanned the room, only seeing few people with minor injuries, clearly waiting for a doctor. I selfishly couldn't give them a second glance, the only person who needed a doctor right now was Joji, my Joji.

I ran forward, pressing my hands onto the reception desk. The woman looked at me with wide eyes, showing obvious signs of fear from my sudden appearance. I can certainly understand why she seemed anxious, my hair had become untamed, tears were continuing to gush down my face and I was panting exhaustively as my body failed to understand what was happening.

"Y-you have to help me, I need to go to Joji, my boyfriend, he's-he's meant to be here. Plea-" I pleaded. My words were cut off as my name was called from the left side of the large room. I turned my head to see Brenda waving me over, worry and weariness evident across her face.

My eyes darted between the receptionist and Brenda, panic clearly setting in. I swiftly jogged over, following Brenda as she weaved in between multiple nurses and patients. She slowed as we arrived at an elevator and scuffled in.

"He's in unit four-" She sniffled before continuing. "Intensive care is where he is being kept. He hasn't woken up yet. The doctors are sorting him out, but he's weak, Georgia. I don't know whether he will make it." Her voice was consistently cracking, each word sounding more and more strained.

I look up at the ceiling, tears once again welling my eyes. I leant against the side of the elevator, I could sense Brenda's eyes on me, as I turned my head to face her.

"I cannot lose him, I love him, I love him so much." She just stared into my eyes, she somehow wasn't crying, which I found strange, less then fifteen minutes ago she was bawling into the phone. She stepped over and wrapped her arms around me, nothing but love and affection lacing the embrace.

The ding of the elevator doors cut off our hold, and I followed her as she showed me to a room at the end of the corridor. I went to open the door, but I was cut off by Brenda placing her hand onto my wrist, and shaking her head. Furrowing my brows, I looked into the room I was about to enter, noticing several doctors stabilising Joji.


He looked bruised and in pain. He had no movement, his eyes remained shut and his breathing looked shallow. An oxygen mask was coated over his mouth though it was overshadowed by numerous wires hooked into his arms, and a larger clasp on his finger. The air was knocked out of me as I taken in his appearance, my heart felt like it was breaking into tiny pieces, those which were unable to be mended back together without him.

After what seemed like hours, all but one doctor cleared the room, and let us know that were now allowed to enter. I rushed in, and went straight to Joji. I carefully grasped his hand, but quickly held it tightly into mine as I reached down to kiss it.

Brenda's footsteps were softly heard throughout the room as she sat down next to the doctor on the opposite side of the bed, he cleared his throat before speaking.

"Miss...?" He looked at me, clearly waiting for my surname.

"Byers, my surname is Byers." My eyes looked back and forth between his as he continued his sentence.

"You may want to sit down, this may be a lot to take in." I felt my stomach drop as I heard his words, this isn't going to go well at all. I used my free hands to pull one of the chairs from behind me next to the bed, and slowly sat myself in it, not wanting to tug on Joji's hand to cause any further injury; it was unlikely to happen, but I could not take the chance as he was incredibly frail right now.

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