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January 7, 2002

"My son was a great man. A great father and an amazing husband."Afeni said on the stage.

The whole congregation was quiet, that is until Damita burst in.

She was torn up, her hair that was usually nice and curly or hidden by extensions was wild and unkempt all over her head.

She had on the jersey Amaru had made for her over twenty years ago.

"How come nobody told me? I'm his wife. I'm supposed to be here."She cried.

"We didn't think you could handle it honey, so we came in your place. I mean look at you, you're a mess."Rebbie said, holding Damita's hand and she snatched away from her.

"Mommy!"Amari screamed.

"I want to go with my mommy."Amari cried as Katherine kept her confined to her seat.

"Shh baby. You can't go with your mommy right now. It's too much for you to understand right now, but I promise we'll explain when you're older."Katherine whispered to Amari as she tried to ease her kicking and screaming.

"Where are my babies? I want to see my kids. How can you just take them? they're mine."Damita cried.

Katherine got up and walked Damita outside.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to have your kids right now."Katherine sighed grabbing her hand.

"You're not well and I think it's only right if they stay with one of us until you're better."She added.

"There's nothing wrong with me Katherine. Give me my kids."She cried.

"Baby your behavior at the hospital was a bit scary and we've all decided that we should get you some help."She replied with glossy eyes.

She stood there listening to her mother with tears rolling down her face.

"Baby please go with these men. They're going to take good care of you. Afeni and I will bring the kids to see you."She explained as the two men walked out of the church.

"I don't want to go. "She croaked, wiping her tears with the palm of her hand.

They grabbed her and led her to this van that read "West Oaks Mental Facility"

"I don't want to go. Katherine I said I don't want to go."She kicked, cried and screamed like a little girl.

Katherine turned away and walked back into the church.

January 20, 2002

"Kat, how could you do that to her? She just lost her husband. She doesn't need to be alone right now."Angie asked with her hand on her hip.
"Angie, she's my child. I know what's best for her."Katherine replied nonchalantly.

"Kat, she's about to be 31 I'm sure she can make the decisions for herself. You are going to confuse those kids. They should be with their mother."She raised her voice, pointing at Damita's four month old babies playing on the floor.

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