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"Hold this ice on your cheek. It's should make the swelling the go down."Damita said, handing Amari a bag of ice.

"Woah. What happened to you?"Amaru laughed and poked his sister's face.

"Your sister lost control of her mouth and my hands followed suit."Damita laughed and shrugged.

"Dang. Are you okay. I know momma kinda heavy handed. She slapped me in the back of my head one day and I thought my brain fell out."Amaru laughed.

"Shut up."Amari rolled her eyes and took the ice off of her face.

"You been taking your medicine momma?"Amaru asked.

"The medicine that has been prescribed to me or my other medicine?"Damita asked, with her hand on her hip.

"Mom? You smoke? I thought you were all dignified and professional."Amari laughed in shock.

"I am..in public. Your daddy and Mike got me started. I just couldn't ever stop."Damita shrugged.

"But you're a lawyer. You don't have to take some sort of drug test?"Amari asked.

"I'm not a lawyer anymore. I own a law firm. I am the boss. I can do whatever I please."Damita laughed. "I only handle cases if I'm highly requested or if I feel like my employees can't handle them"

"So what did you do before then?"Amari asked.

"Take care of you. When I got pregnant with you, your dad felt like I shouldn't work. Your daddy had businesses and we were just living."Damita reminisced.

"I have some vague memories of living with you guys. I think, unless they were dreams."Amari sighed.

"What do you remember?"Damita asked.

"Oooh StoryTime."Aaliyah smiled and sat next to her mother, laying her head across her mother's lap. Even though she was almost 16, she was her mother's baby. She always wanted to be under her.

"I remember this time you were crying. I don't know why you were crying or if I was supposed to be watching, but you were sitting on the floor crying and he kissed you then whispered something in your ear. Your eyes lit up and your whole mood changed. He took us out that night too, but I don't remember where we went."Amari sighed.

"I probably was pregnant and crying about something stupid because I don't even remember that."Damita laughed. "I was always very emotional when I was pregnant with the twins. I cried about the simplest things."

"You would always lay on my stomach and talk to them. You were so excited to have siblings. You would think that they were your babies."She added, laughing.

"Was I there when they were born?"Amari asked.

"Yeah, you were there. You talked to me for a little while, but they made you go into the lobby with Afeni before I started pushing."She explained.

"How did you feel when you found out we were twins?"Aaliyah asked, looking up at her mother.

"I was scared. I didn't know how I was going to handle having three kids, but once I got further in the pregnancy I was happy." "I didn't find out that I was having twins until I was almost five months pregnant. Aaliyah was so little that they couldn't see her for a very long time. She was actually hiding in my back and I had the worst back pain everrr."She sighed.

"Wow. I know that was hard for you, considering how small you were."Amari replied shockingly.

"It was very hard. I couldn't get out of the bed some days. I had to goto the hospital one night because I was up crying all night. I was so tired, I didn't get any sleep most of the time."She explained.

"How was your pregnancy with me?"Amari asked.

"With you I was always mad. My attitude was horrible when I was pregnant with you."Damita laughed.

"May I see some of our baby pictures?"Amari asked.

"Oh yes. I have lots of pictures."Damita replied happily. She got up and pulled several photo albums from her closet and handed them to Amari.

"Enjoy guys. I'm about to head upstairs. I have a couple of things to do tomorrow so I'm going to shower and call it a night."She smiled and kissed her two youngest children tonight. She felt that her and Amari weren't on that level yet so she just told her goodnight and went upstairs.

When she got upstairs and turned on her shower. She took of her glasses and sat them on the counter. Lastly she took off her clothes and threw them on the floor.

She opened the door and walked into the shower, standing under the hot water. It took her a very long time to get used to showering alone. It was a very big adjustment for her.

"Baby girl."She heard a whisper from behind her.

"Boy you better leave me alone. I am tired."Damita laughed and rolled her eyes. She took the shampoo from the side of the tub and started to wash her hair.

"Let me help you with that."He smirked and put his hands in her hair. These little visions started to become weird to her. How could she see him? How could she feel him? He's gone.

"You need to goto work tomorrow. Something very important is going to happen and you've got to be there."He whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek.

"What do you mean?"Damita asked.

"Just go baby. Listen to me."He chuckled and kissed her on the neck. "You're so pretty baby."he whispered to her.

"Turn around. Give daddy a kiss."He smiled and she slowly turned around to give him a quick peck on his lips. That's wasn't what he wanted though. He pulled her back and kissed her again, this time letting his hands wonder. He touched all the parts of her body that he missed the most.

"I love you so much. Don't forget that."He smiled and kissed her forehead.

Later on that night she woke up in her bed. Her hair was dried and washed and she had on clothes. She didn't even remember getting out of the shower.

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