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"You did good up there. Were you nervous?"Amaru asked laying his head on Damita's chest.

"Hell Yeah. I've never been the one on the stand before. I could feel everyone looking at me." She sighed, rubbing his head.

"Are you nervous that you have to get back up there?" Amaru asked, raising his head up.

"Not anymore. You kinda fixed that for me."She giggled and kissed the top of his head. "How much time do we have left?"

"Ion' even know. We should go back in there soon though. Before people start looking for us." Amaru laughed sitting up. Damita buttoned his shirt back up and he put his jacket back on.

Damita took a brush out of her purse and fixed her hair. "Baby, where are my panties?" She laughed, fixing her skirt.

"I threw them on the floor somewhere. They probably under the seat."He replied, kneeling down to look for them.

"It's okay. I'll just leave them off."She shrugged and slid her shoes back on.

"You nasty."Amaru laughed and shook his head.

"How do I look? I look okay? You can't tell I just had sex right?"She asked, fixing the buttons on her shirt.

"You good baby. Come on, let's go back in." Amaru replied. They climbed out of the backseat and locked the door.

She grabbed his hand and they walked back into the courtroom.

"Mrs.Shakur, please take the stand again."Judge Adams spoke and Damita took the stand once again.

"Where were you?"Ava whispered to Amaru.

"She needed some uplifting. I had to help her out." Amaru chuckled and Ava shook her head.

"Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you give today before this court shall be the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god?"The bailiff asked Damita once again.

"I Do." She replied and sat back down.

"Mrs.Shakur do you remember your first encounter with the defendant?"Ava asked.

"I do." She replied.

"How would you describe that night?"

"Uh. It was brief. We didn't speak for long." Damita answered.

"And How would you describe the defendants' demeanor that night?"

"Shady. Very shady. He made a couple of sly comments." Damita laughed. "Him and his brothers were rather surprised that my husband and I are business partners. They thought I was his sister."

"What was it about their deal that you didn't like?"Ava asked.

"I think we should talk about what I did like. That'd be a shorter list."Damita replied,making the court laugh.

"Did they seem upset when you told them you wouldn't be going forward with the deal?"Ava asked.

"They seemed more surprised than upset. Like they were surprised that I knew was I talking about."Damita replied.

"Thank you. No further questions."Ava spoke.

"Does the defense have any questions?"Judge Adams asked.

"No, Your honor."Mr.Moretti answered.

"Next witness."Judge Adams spoke.

"The defense would like to call Taniyah Jones to the stand."Ava said and both Amaru and Damita were surprised.

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