Chapter 1

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Years later...

Well, looks like my vision really came true and I couldn't do anything about it. The young feral I had saved, unfortunately wasn't fast enough to escape, leaving me alone and with a pained heart. Her name was Lizzy, and like the majority of mutants, her family had abandoned her when she first found out who she was.

But, easy, I'm not alone. Protecting myself I found out I wasn't the only one alive. Humans were also dying at the hands of the Sentinels. Looks like the creator didn't see that one coming, that one day their own machines will turn against them.

My journey has taken me to a monastery in China, where I suddenly sensed a presence in mind.

Don't fear, dear. It's been a long time, but I'm pleased to see you alive

I stopped dead in my tracks. Professor?

Hello, Blair. I don't think it's the time to chat telepathically. I'm near you, please take the path to the right and go straight. There's a jet you'll find familiar.

I nodded and followed instructions. I sigh a relieved breath when the rampage opens. There I can see the professor, a few years older than the last time I saw him, a white haired American-African women who I easily recognized as Storm, a ruffly brown haired mutant who I only met once at the school named Logan or how everyone knows him Wolverine and the last mutant aboard is Magneto. The once villain human hater.

I'm not the only approaching the jet, three mutants are also running towards the professor. It only takes me a second to recognize them. Three mutants I've never met their names but their code names, Bishop Sunspot and Warpath.

A blonde guy also arrives, that's Bobby. A smile spreads slowly in my lips seeing the once best friend I had when i was on Mutant High.

The professor eyed his students with a relieved smile. He then looks around spotting me at the entry and beckons me with a smile

"Bobby. You're not the only one alive. I'm glad to say she's alive and wants to see you" his gaze on Bobby as he says with a warm smile. The first one, I guess since the destruction started. From here I can see the frown on Bobby's face. I use my telekinesis to raise a rock in front of him to hit him on the shoulder. His eyes widened at the action. He looks at the professor. He looks at me, Bobby following his gaze to find me leaning against the wall, a smirk on my face.

"Oracle" Bobby breathes in relief running to embrace me. I return the hug tightly


We pulled away with happy tears. With a sided hug we returned towards the other mutants.

"Welcome back, Blair. Good to see you alive" Storm greets me. I smiled

"Kid" Logan's gruff voice greets me with a nod. I returned it with a smile. "Your mutation helped you to survive?"

I smirked tapping my forehead "It's really useful in this times to see the future, don't you think?"

Logan hummed in agreement. I smiled. Footsteps behind me makes me turn around to the noise seeing a brunette girl making their towards us with another man. I smiled recognizing Kitty and Colossus.

"Professor, you made it" she smiles. That's when she spots me next to Bobby. "Blair?" She smiles in relief and hugs me. I hugged back flinching as I'm suddenly trusted into the past, her past.

A fight where it looked like they died, only to return alive. Her mutation, another part besides of phasing through objects. She sent the conscious of another mutant to the past to warn them about they were going to die.

Foresight the Future From the Past |X-Men: Days from the Future Past|Where stories live. Discover now