Chapter 3

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"It looks like we have to introduce ourselves individually then. I'll start first. Annyeonghaseyo, I'm JB short for Jaebum."

Then the others started to introduce themselves individually. I just stood there awkwardly, waiting for them to finish talking.

After the long introduction, I was escorted by Jinyoung oppa to my room. I just realised that my luggage has been brought into my room way before I entered the room.

I looked around the room with amazement. There is a wall of mirrors right in front of the bed. I can practice here instead of the dance room. I did not even realise that Jinyoung oppa was still standing beside me until he cleared his throat.

"This was originally my room. I prefer to have this room alone so that I can read peacefully but apparently, I have to move out and share a room with the Markson couple."

Markson couple? Mark and Jackson?

"I'm sorry that you have to give up this room for me. I'll be happy to sleep in the living room." I said apologetically.

"I was just joking with you. I would not let a girl sleep in the living room just because I love my privacy." Jinyoung oppa assured me.

I smiled at his kindness.

"Well, I should let you have the time for yourself to unpack. We are going to be busy tomorrow so sleep early tonight." Jinyoung oppa said as he closed door to my room.

Feeling a little tired with the sudden encounter with GOT7, I laid myself on the bed. The bed sure is cozy and it smells good too. It's probably because Jinyoung oppa used this bed.

After lazing around for a few minutes or so, I got up and unpack my stuffs. I placed all my clothes in the wardrobe.

I even brought my recording devices that I use to record myself dancing to covers of kpop songs that are in trend and upload them on youtube.

I was suppose to upload one later in the evening due to a large amount of demand for me to update.

I would need to go out and film before the sun goes down. Finally, I was done unpacking.

I checked the time to see that it was 2pm. I got more than enough time to film. With this assurance, I took my time to get ready. I wore a crop top with short denim shorts.

 Brushing through my hair, I checked that my piercings are still in tact on my ears. I have a lot of ear piercings like Jennie from Blackpink. I also have a piercing at my belly button.

The crop top do reveal my piercing on my belly button in case you were asking. I packed what I need in my carry on, not forgetting my camera and speaker. 

With that, I went out with my converse shoes in my hands and my bag dangling on my right shoulder. The guys looked at me from top to bottom when I left my room. I raised an eyebrow at their reaction. What was up with them?

"Are you going somewhere?" Bambam oppa asked me.

I just nodded yes to them.

"Where are you going?"Jackson oppa asked.

"Hangang." I said shortly.

"You are going to Hangang wearing that?" Yugyeom oppa asked.

"What is wrong with my clothes?" I asked back while looking down at my clothes.

It is the summer season and it is hot which explains why I'm wearing such short outfit.

"Nothing." All of them said quickly in unison.  

I just shrugged and said goodbye to them as I left the dorm. Hangang was not that far from the dorm.

It is a walking distance and I will probably reach there not more than 30 minutes I guess.

I strolled around the place while enjoying the scenery as the wind blew off my hair.

I looked around and found an empty spot for me to film. I went there quickly before it was taken by someone else.

I placed my camera on the tripod and adjust the angle. I warmed up my body first by doing some stretching so that my body won't get sore the next day.

After stretching, I went to revise the steps for the dance that I was covering which is Blackpink's comeback song, Playing with fire.

After ensuring that there are no mistakes in the dance moves, I played the song through the speaker after I clicked the record button from the camera.

I was doing the dance with ease and putting on the same expression as if I was Blackpink performing live.

The song soon ended and I was gasping for air. I took a breather and went to check what I recorded.

For the first time, I did not need a second take. I was proud of myself.

After finishing revising the recording and doing some editing to the video, I uploaded it on youtube.

Not even a minute past, there were already people commenting about how good I was.

I smiled to myself while reading the positive comments. The sky was getting darker and I went to pack my stuffs so that I can go home.

On the way back to the dorm, someone called my name and I turned around to see a teenage girl around the same age as me.

"Hi Hee Young unnie! I am a big fan! I have watched all your covers and even re-watched them. I can't wait to see your new covers. Are you going to cover a new song soon? Will it be a vocal cover or dance cover or both? Can we take a picture together?"

"Hey! Thank you for supporting me! Actually, I had just finish filming a dance cover of Blackpink's new song. Do check it out on youtube as I have just uploaded it not long ago! Once again, thank you for supporting me and I would love to take a picture with you." I replied back politely.

With that, she took out her phone and took a photo of us. She thanked me for the picture and told me she was going to upload on instagram and tagged me in it.

I just smiled at her in return and greet her goodbye.

She waved goodbye. I smiled at her sweet gesture. I was back at the dorm 10 minutes later.

I pressed the doorbell as I did not have the key. Youngjae oppa opened the door for me and announced my arrival to his other members with his loud voice.

Remind me not to be beside him when he is shouting. My eardrums was ringing.

"You sure have a loud voice Youngjae oppa." I said while rubbing my ears.

"Ooopss. My bad." Youngjae oppa apologised.

Seeming to finally register what I said, Youngjae oppa asked,"Did you just call me oppa?"

"Yeah why?" I asked curiously.

"It's nothing. I'm just not use to having someone calling me oppa." He explained.

"Okay then." I said while retreating to my room.

On the way back to my room, I bumped into Mark oppa. 

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