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SØNDAG 08:37

Isak's plans for a restful Sunday were ruined by the obnoxious vibration of an incoming phone call.

"Yes, Eva?" Isak groans groggily.

"Isak - you sound tired, did I wake you? I've just come to sudden realization." She sighs. "I think I like Jonas again."

Isak wasn't entirely surprised to hear this admission. Eva and Jonas were completely in love only a month prior and their relationship ended abruptly - leaving hardly any time for them to fall out of love. It was not a shock that Eva still had feelings for him. "Okay..." Isak begins. "And are you happy about that?"

"No." Eva whines. "Because I don't think he loves me anymore. You said it last night, he doesn't worry about me anymore."

Isak chuckles, "And you want him to worry?"

"In a way, yes. The fact that he feels no jealously over anything I do means he really has no feelings for me." She sighs.

Isak nods, not exactly knowing what to say or how to console his friend without lying. It was true that Jonas didn't ever speak about having any remaining feelings for Eva, but then again he never spoke much about other girls either. 

After a few moments, Eva breaks the silence that Isak had created by getting lost in his own thoughts about the situation. "Does he ever talk about me?"

"No." Isak replies honestly. "But then again, he's not exactly one to gush over his feelings. I can ask him about it if you'd like me to." 

"Okay." Isak could hear her smile. "But do it subtly, please. Don't make me seem desperate."

"Yeah, yeah." Isak laughs. "I'm going to go back to sleep now."

"Alright. Thanks Isak. Bye." Isak mumbles a "good-bye" and ends the call. As he is placing his cellphone back onto his bed-side table, he remembers a certain boy he had been snapchatting the night before. Isak had ended the conversation rather abruptly and didn't really expect Even to have replied, but a part of him still wondered, hoped even, that he had wished him a goodnight in return. He unlocks his phone and opens snapchat. 

Beside Even's name was a small red outline of a sideways triangle. He had opened it and not replied. Isak reminds himself that he shouldn't be surprised, that his "good night" didn't exactly warrant a response, yet he couldn't help but frown at the opened symbol. He tells himself that he would not be the first one to snapchat Even - that if Even wanted to have a conversation, he would have to be the one to initiate it. With this in mind, Isak closes his eyes and falls back asleep.


this ch is so tiny + no one is reading this yet

gonna keep writing though because im havin fun with this story and im very excited for whats to come


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