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SØNDAG 02:19

Isak was staring aimlessly in the darkness of his room when his phone lit up on his bed side table, casting shadows on his ceiling.

Even Bech Næsheim has added you back!

Isak smiles to himself as he swipes the notification and unlocks his phone. He stares blankly at the screen for a few moments, contemplating what he should do next.

A notification peeks down on the top of his screen of a little pink box and Even's name. Even had sent him a photo.

His heart begins to race and he smiles to himself. Without thinking, he clicks on the snapchat.

how'd you find my user?

Isak feels the color drain from his face as he reads the caption of the pitch black photo. Not only did he now have to explain how he had obtained Even's snapchat, but Even seemed angry. He smacks his forehead, silently cursing his actions. He didn't know why he wanted the boy's snapchat in the first place.

it suggested u through contacts. Isak lied

He clicks his phone off and drops it onto his chest. He never should have added Even. Minutes later, his phone lights up again. Two snapchats from Even.

isak, you don't have my number

i'm just teasing you. its cute that you found it.

Isak smiled at this. Even found him cute. It's too bad Isak wasn't gay.

im glad u find my idiocy cute

Isak hesitates before hitting send. Then, deciding to follow his better sense he deletes the message and retypes something safer.

i just figured that it would be useful to have each other's snapchats if eva was ever in trouble again or something.

In reply, Even simply said,


And Isak mimicked,


To which Even mused,

maybe "right" will be our always

This time, Isak snapped a photo of his face, cozily nuzzled in several pillows.

u think ur so clever

Even, too, replied with a photo of himself. The photo cut off just below his collarbone, but Isak could tell that he was shirtless. It made him feel strange.

you're adorable.


did you stay up til 02:00 waiting for me to add you back

In reply, he simply said,

goodnight even


babies :'-)

this ch was really short and awkwardly formatted hopefully u were able to follow it

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