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AN - hey im back.. its been a fuckin YEAR (like exactly, a year)... sorry! ;( I suggest you reread the last chapter or two just to refresh your memory

ONSDAG  7:10

When Isak's alarm clock awoke him that Wednesday morning, his first thought was: what have I done?

Scrambling to find his phone, which had rested on his chest during the night, he prayed that drunkenly texting Even had only been a figment of his drunken subconscious, a dream he'd had the night before. Clicking on his phone to see two new texts from Even, he realized it had not been.

even: hows your head?

even: and we should talk. meet me in the locker room before school

It was then that Isak became aware of the throbbing pain he felt in his head. He pulled open his bedside table drawer and sleepily poured two pills into his palm. 

isak: nothing some advil cant fix

He decided that he wouldn't reply the the older boy's second message.  He wasn't entirely sure he wanted to speak with Even before school - rather, he wasn't entirely sure he could stand the humiliation. Granted, he didn't remember typing anything incredibly incriminating, but the fact that he'd drunkenly texted Even after a day of intentionally avoiding him mustn't have made him look too "cool". Biting his lip, he scrolled upward in the conversation.

isak: I like puttig your name in caps becayse it makesme happy

isak: caall me

isak: gotta go see u tmrw goondnight swweet dreams love u

isak: <<<3

His mouth dropped. What the fuck have I done?  He thought for the second time within the span of a few minutes. Unable to process his own inebriated words, he stared blankly at his phone, the color from his face drained. No, no, no. He wasn't sure he could ever show his face in public again for the fear that he might run into Even one day. 

"Eskild!" He yelled desperately. After a minute with no sign of Eskild, Isak decided that he was still asleep. Isak was absolutely scared out of his wits. He had told the third-year that his name made him happy, that he loved him. Not quite knowing what to do, he did the first thing he could think of. 

isak: please don't try to talk to me today

isak: seriously like please i'm absolutely mortified please please if you try to talk to me about this I will be really unhappy

isak: just

isak: I don't know please just leave me alone okay?

At this point, tears were threatening to spill down his cheeks. His phone buzzed soon after he sent the messages. He took a breath before opening the message log.

even: okay.

He seemed angry. Isak rationed that he'd rather have Even angry and not speaking to him than wanting to talk. Rubbing the sleep and almost-tears from his eyes, he peeled himself from his bed and pulled on a pair of jeans that were strewn across the end of his bed. He decided he would try his hardest not to think about the meaning behind the texts he'd sent Even. He was drunk and probably horny, and Even simply happened to be the person replying to his texts. He wasn't gay, just desperate. Repeating this to himself, he set out for the bus.

Stumbling off the bus he cautiously walked toward the frontal courtyard of his school. With nobody in sight that he knew, not Jonas, not Magnus, nor Eva, and thankfully not Even, Isak practically ran toward his first period class. Pacing in front of the door of his Chemistry class, he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2017 ⏰

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