-Chapter 11-(Posting on Christmas)

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~Aasha's POV~

"Merry Christmas!!"

We all shout at the top of our lungs. Jasper and I clank our cup together and take a swig. I set down my drink and look at Kylee, she was also drinking, "You do know that your not suppose to drink on the job right?" I ask her. Kylee looks at me and smirks, "It's Christmas give me a break." I laugh and take another sip of my drink.

"You know, I'm not going to be shocked if you get hammered tonight Aasha," Jasper said to me. I look at him, "Pft, says the guy who didn't even know it was me when I walked in without my helmet," I tease. Jasper playfully rolls his eyes.

The tavern was packed with people. We had music playing and the Christmas lights were on. Everyone was drinking, and when I say everyone I mean everyone.

The Christmas tree Jasper chopped down was amazing. And the logs for the fire were great. It started to snow outside as well, so we needed an excuse to stay warm.

Couple of hours later

Some people were already leaving. It's was already 1 in the morning so I wasn't surprised. Most people had to leave because they got hammered. I get out of my seat and start walking towards the crowd of people. I feel someone grab my wrist and I look behind me.

"I'm not letting someone as drunk as a puppy walk around cluelessly into a crowd," Jasper says to me. I playfully roll my eyes. I grab Jasper's hands, "C'mon let's dance!" I say and pull Jasper into the crowd.

Jasper was right, I was really drunk. I felt myself loose balance and fall into someone. The person pushes me off of them and I grab Jasper as I'm about to fall. Jasper stumbles but is able to catch balance.

I let out a sigh and look at Jasper, "I'm sorry, maybe I should just go home before I cause anymore trou-" my voice carries off as I look up at the ceiling.

A mistletoe hung from the ceiling and I feel myself blush. I look back at Jasper and he understood what was going on.

I noticed that everyone was staring at us, even Kylee. She had a smug smile on her face. I look back at Jasper and stay silent. Jasper was silent as well.

Before I knew it Jasper's and I's lips connected and we were kissing. Everyone around us cheered and I broke the kiss. Kylee had a really big smile. I felt myself blushing and Jasper was blushing too. I step away from him, "goodnight Jasper.." I say.

I walk out of the tavern and stumble my way home. I kept thinking about Jasper's and I's kiss.

Well I guess that's my Christmas gift from him... My first kiss...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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