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Miss Avocet, who had been hiding behind the door the whole time, tentatively moved to listen in on what was happening outside

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Miss Avocet, who had been hiding behind the door the whole time, tentatively moved to listen in on what was happening outside.

She jumped back, however, when the doors swung open and Jake was thrown into the room.

Barron gave the children a chilling grin, before waving and shutting the doors once again.

"I can kill them." Arabella turned to Jake. "All I need to do is scream, and then it's all over."
"She's right." Enoch spoke up.

Arabella turned to him as her eyes knitted together in confusion. She had never see Enoch agree with her before, since all he ever seemed to care about was his own ideas.

Jake shook his head. "It's getting dark! You won't even be able to see there shadows! We have to stay inside. It's the only place we stand a chance."

Miss Avocet nodded. "He's quite right." She turned to Arabella. "If you could, I would let you. But it's too dangerous, dear."

Arabella nodded in understanding.

"Now, where does Miss Peregrine keep her weapon?" Miss Avocet asked the children.

Enoch prodded his finger behind him and looked between Emma and Jake. "In there."

Jake, Emma and Enoch ran out of the room in search for Miss Peregrine's crossbow.

"Alright, children. Make sure all of the doors are locked and the windows are latched. Everything must be sealed up tight!" Miss Avocet ordered.

Everyone nodded and began to frantically run around the room.
Olive helped Arabella latch the windows shut and draw the curtains, whilst the rest of the children helped block all of the doors.

Arabella then heard the phone rang, dragging her attention away from what was currently happening.

She ran out of the room towards the phone, but crashed into Enoch.
"The phone-" She begun, taking a few steps back.

"Jake's gone to get it. Emma thought he should." Enoch responded, cutting her off. He passed her a pitchfork.

Arabella stared at it with furrowed brows before looking up at the brown-eyed boy.

"For protection." Enoch told her.
Arabella rolled her eyes. "I can take care of myself. But, I appreciate the gesture." She said, before running back into the parlour.

Enoch smiled to himself as he watched her run off, before quickly shaking his head and running after her.

Arabella ran back into the parlour, followed by Enoch, Emma, and then Jake soon after.

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