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Arabella stood in Enoch's room

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Arabella stood in Enoch's room. She was watching Miss Peregrine lead Jake through the garden, since Enoch wasn't in his room, for once.

She continued to watch Miss Peregrine and Jake approach Emma, who was waiting beside the large tree, as usual.

Arabella couldn't help but smile when Miss Peregrine left the two alone. Jake awkwardly began to tie the rope around Emma's waist. She wasn't one to show many emotions around others, so when she did, she'd make sure she was alone.

Emma and Jake

"So, what's up with Arabella?" Jake asked after Emma had returned the baby squirrel to its nest.

Emma furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?"
Jake paused for a moment. "Is she okay?"

Emma sighed before pressing her lips together. "I don't think so. She always has these nightmares about her killing her family."

Jake's eyes widened. "Her family?" He repeated.
Emma nodded. "She tells me that in her dream, she completely looses it."

Jake looked down at the grass. "Oh..."
Emma sighed. "But, honestly, I think she's just lonely. I mean, she hardly shows any form of emotion and I can tell that she wants to feel loved."

"But, you guys love her right? Miss Peregrine too?" Jake questioned.
Emma shook her head. "Not that kind of love."

Jake frowned as the two began to walk away from the large tree. "You think that'll help?"

Emma nodded. "Of course. She's just lonely. Arabella may act cold hearted, but I know that she just wants to feel loved."

Jake slowly nodded, before turning to Emma. "What about Enoch?"
Emma shrugged. "Enoch's usually moody and he doesn't tend to smile often - much like Arabella. But he's probably somewhere sulking because of your arrival. But don't let that get to you."

Jake thought for a moment. "Do they get along?"
"Arabella and Enoch?" Emma sighed. "I don't know. They don't talk that often, but I'm only saying that from when I've been with them. Now," Emma began. "will you be joining us for supper?"


"What are you doing in here?" Someone asked, making Arabella's smile drop. She spun around to see Enoch stood in the door frame, with Olive hiding behind him.

"Nothing." Arabella mumbled, folding her arms.
Enoch exhaled before walking towards Arabella. He stopped when they were a few centimetres apart. "Then get out."

Arabella looked over Enoch's shoulder at Olive, who looked down and played with her thumbs.

"Arabella! Where are you, dear?" The three heard Miss Peregrine call.
Arabella walked past Enoch, harshly hitting his shoulder on purpose, before walking out of the door and into the hallway.

"I'm here!" Arabella responded.
Miss Peregrine stepped out from Arabella's and Emma's room, and smiled. "The pub landlord and the police have arrived."

Arabella nodded. "Lead the way."
Miss Peregrine sighed before beginning to head downstairs. Arabella followed. "It's terribly inconvenient, I'm so sorry about this, Arabella."

"It's fine," Arabella responded. "it's my peculiarity, so I guess I might as well..."

Miss Peregrine opened the door to reveal an angry pub landlord and three police men. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. How may I help you?"

"Are you the owner of this household?" One of the policemen asked.
Miss Peregrine nodded.
"And are you the legal guardian of these children?"
She nodded again.

"The owner of this pub has told me that he saw-"
"Excuse me, sir." Miss Peregrine cut him off, before turning to Arabella and giving her a wink.

Arabella stepped forward. The pub owner looked as if he was about to speak, but Arabella stopped him by letting out a deafening scream. Her eyes turned black and she stared at the four men in front of her.

The men began to gasp for air as Arabella continued to scream.
Miss Peregrine watched as the men's eyes simultaneously turned black, and she smirked.

Once the men had fallen to the floor, Arabella stopped. She spun around to face the older women and smiled.

"Thank you, dear." Miss Peregrine smiled, placing a hand on Arabella's shoulder. "Now, would you mind getting Enoch? You two should be getting ready to leave."

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