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"Enoch! Arabella! Where are the others?" Emma questioned

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"Enoch! Arabella! Where are the others?" Emma questioned.
"They're safe. Olive is leading them back to the ship." Enoch replied.

"Jake needs us. Barron's too strong!" Emma panicked.

"We need to help him!" Arabella said, running down the stairs and towards the room full of Ymbrynes. Enoch and Emma followed.

"He's in there!" Emma pointed at a room down the dark hallway.
"Jake?" Arabella called out.
"Jake?" Enoch repeated.

The three approached the door, which now had a hole in it. Arabella tentatively opened the door to see two Jakes.

"Emma!" One of them said, running up to her. "That's not me! It's Barron!" He said, pointing at his identical twin.

"Don't listen to him! He's Barron!"
"No, I'm Jake!"

Enoch looked behind him and saw Miss Peregrine's crossbow. He immediately picked it up and held it up, aiming in between both of the twins. "Well, I've got a better shot than Jake. Neither of you move until we sort this."

"Listen to me, I'm Jake. I grew up in Florida and I wanted to be an explorer! I thought nothing would ever change because I was ordinary." The one of the left said.

Arabella pointed at the left Jake. "That's Jake!"
Emma nodded. "I agree. Get Barron." Emma pointed at the right one.

"Look, I told him all of this! He was my psychiatrist!" The Jake on the right defended.

Arabella's eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"You deal with him and I'll go find Miss Peregrine." The Jake on the left said. He took a step forward, but Enoch held the crossbow in his direction, and he backed away.

"Wait," The Jake on the right spoke up. "I can prove that I'm me. Because I'm not ordinary. I can do something no one else can... I can see the monsters."

Suddenly, the Jake on the left was lifted into the air, making Arabella and Emma jump back in shock. Enoch slowly began to lower the crossbow as Barron began to beg for his life.

He was soon dropped the ground. Barron was dead.

"Enoch!" Jake yelled, making Emma jump.
Enoch immediately threw the crossbow to Jake and he held it up. Jake fired at the Hollow.

It let out a deafening screech, before falling backwards and landing on it's back.

"Wow..." Arabella said, turning to Jake. "you didn't miss, for once."

Jake looked at Arabella and playfully rolled his eyes. He then turned to Emma, who had a beautiful smile on her lips.

It gradually dropped when she realised that Jake was looking at her. She then looked at the ground. Arabella frowned.

"We need to go." Enoch said, looking in between Emma and Arabella. "The loop is closing."

Arabella nodded and Enoch took her hand. He lead her out of the dark room. Arabella looked back and watched Jake and Emma exchange glances, before following them.


Arabella watched as the children hugged Jake before walking into the ghost train. Her heart sank at the sight of it.

After Olive gave Jake a big hug, it was Arabella's turn. She knew she was going to hate this goodbye.

Arabella softly smiled at Jake before giving him a warm hug. Jake hugged her back and she smiled even wider into his shoulder.

Once she pulled away, she gave him a small nod before walking aside and allowing Enoch to say goodbye.

Enoch and Jake gave each-other a small smile before shaking hands.

It was Emma's turn after that, and Arabella knew that she should leave them alone.

Jake saw Enoch take hold of Arabella's hand, before the two walked out of the loop.

"Are you still unhappy about Emma and Jake?" Arabella asked Enoch.
He shook his head. "He loves her, and it's obvious she loves him too. I can't get in the way of that."

Arabella smiled and squeezed his hand. "Look at you being all nice." She teased.

Enoch lightly chuckled before kissing her temple.

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