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Arabella and Enoch began walking towards the small town of Wales at exactly 4pm.

Most days, they would walk in silence. But today, Enoch was surprisingly talkative.

"So, why were you in my room?" Enoch asked.
Arabella rolled her eyes. "I told you: nothing."
"Well, that's obviously a lie." Enoch replied, his accent becoming thicker.

Arabella exhaled. "I was just watching Emma and Jake. You've got the best view from your room. Are you happy now?"

When Enoch didn't respond, Arabella turned to see him looking down at the stony pathway with his jaw clenched.

She laughed. "I can't believe you were jealous of Abe, and now Jake!"
"I'm not jealous!" He shot back, turning to her. "He just doesn't belong here and I'm angry that Miss Peregrine wants him to stay. After dinner, I bet the children will, too."

"It's really not that bad, Enoch. You're just being pathetic-"

"I'm not!" Enoch cut her off. His brown eyes pierced through Arabella's own. "They'll become attached to him and then one day he'll leave. Just like Abe did."

Arabella shook her head and rolled her eyes as they entered the butchers. "You are being pathetic, Enoch. Just drop it, okay? We're here now, so just help me get the meat and then we can leave."


Once they'd bought the meat ready for supper and were halfway from home, Enoch spoke up again.

"It's not just the children that I'm worried about." Enoch said.
Arabella turned to him. "What? What else could you possibly be worried about?"

"I'm worried that someone might get too attached..." He mumbled.
Arabella's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Emma?"

"And you." He said.

Enoch's eyes then widened once he realised what he said. "But mostly, Emma. Because, you know... what happened with Abe and all."

Arabella laughed and rolled her eyes. "Very caring, Enoch. Now let's just drop it. I don't like talking about this."

Enoch grumbled something that Arabella couldn't quite pick up, so after that, she didn't say another word until they got back.


Miss Peregrine answered the door within a couple of seconds of Arabella knocking.

She grinned once she saw the meat in the bag Enoch was carrying. "Arabella! Enoch! Right on time!"

"We got the usual, is that okay?" Arabella asked.
Miss Peregrine nodded and took her pipe out of her mouth. "Excellent! Thank you, children. Now if you get yourselves changed - supper's in twenty minutes."

Enoch and Arabella walked up the staircase in silence. Arabella's room was the first stop.

She stood in her door frame and called out Enoch's name.
He turned around and plainly stared at her.

"I appreciate that you care. But nothing's going to happen between Jake and I." Arabella said.

Enoch didn't answer. He just turned around and carried on walking to his room.

Arabella rolled her eyes. "That's nice."

COLD HEARTED ⇢ ENOCH O'CONNORWhere stories live. Discover now