Chapter Eleven

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Chapter eleven

Have a Merry Christmas and a happy new threat.

Arianna pov ( im doing a Christmas chapter YAY!!!!)

Fear. Its all i feel ever since i picked up that note.

Its been two weeks since i read it, and ever since iv been scared.

Xander says i have nothing to worry about; that he has the best guards watching me.

One of them including my brother, sorry did i say brother, he just my gamma now.

I realised i needed my brother, so i went to apologize to him. Xander didnt want me to, so i snuck out and did it when he was dealing with some alpha stuff.

~*~*~*~*~*Flash back *~*~*~*~*~

I knock on jace's door, no one answers i knock again, no answer, i bang on the door.

The door finally opens reveling a shirtless jace.

"What do you ne- oh it's you" he say. "Hey" i say softly.

"What do you want luna" he says snaply. "I want to fix our relation ship." I say to him.

"You can't ari" he says, i can't believe him i saved him all these years from daddy dearest.

I've finally reached my breaking point, i snap at him.

"Oh, So now im ariana, and I can fix this relationship, just like I fixed my, bloody back and fixed my broken bones every time, You got dad upset and I took your punishment." I snap at him.

"Well did you ever think you deserved those punishments," he snaps at me.

Im useing all my strength to fight back tears. "Your dead to me ari, your nothing to me, I hate you, and so does dad, and so does mom." He says.

A tear falls down my cheek, "your wrong, mom doesnt hate me she wants me back, why else whould she have invited me to Christmas at her house." I yell at him.

He doesnt say anything. "And dad isn't  even my real father, moms real mate is, and I dont care if you hate me" i scream at him, and run off.

"Ari, wait, come back im sorry" he says but i dont care, im never talking to him again. Im dead to him.

~*~*~*~*Flash back over  *~*~*~*~

"Xander." I say. "Yeah baby" he says half asleep with his head buried in his pillow.

"I want to fix things with my mom." I say to him. He groans and pulls his head out of his pillow and looks at me.
"Remeber the last time you tried to do that" he says. "Its different this time, last time I was in the middle of my heat and I was emotional" i say while turning purpul from embarrassment.

~*~*~*~*~*Flash back *~*~*~*~*~

I was knocking on my mothers door this is it i thought, im gonna fix things, i figured no better time then now to do it.

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