Important you must read before starting the chapter:
Make up a character and i will try to put it in my book, in order for your chacters to qualify you must have the following,
What they look like:
Type of creature such as were wolves, vampire,witch,fairy,human:
Thats it please fill out if you want your chacter in my book i will give credit to who ever made the charecter.Chapter 8
Is that a threat
Ariana pov
I wake up in his arms. his warm wonderful arms.
I feel nice, warm and relaxed that is until i realise its Monday.
"Goodmorning beautiful" xander says.
I groan and bury my face in his chest. "Whats wrong baby"xander says in a deep busker voice that makes my wolf all giddy.
"How about today, this morning, Monday's and school." I say, "come on schools not that bad" xander says. While getting out of bed.
"Im takeing you shopping after school today for clothes" he yells once hes in the bath room. I walk to the bathroom and wrap my arms around his bare torso laying my head in his back while he shaves.
"Thank you." i say "for what precious- ?" He ask me. "For every thing" i say.
He's done so much for me. He saved me from my dad, gave me a home, takes care of me, and now hes buying me clothes.
"I do it because, i love you." He says to me. "I love you too." I say
Xander goes to get in the shower so i exit the bathroom and close the door behind me.
I walk to our walk-in closet and grab the clothes that alex, xanders sister dropped off some time last night while me and xander were on our date.
Oh, last night was perfect best date ever, of course it was like the only date I've ever been on.
Xander thought he ruined the date by getting possessive of me. To be honest i like xanders possessive side it makes me feel safe and secure.
I almost let him mark me last night. Ari my wolf is mad i didnt let him.
Of course i am idiot ari says to me.
Well by calling me an idiot your calling your self in idiot i say to her
Well your the idiot becuase our mate wanted to claim us, and you denied him that ari says to me
I just ignore her becuase shes just getting possessive now.
Xander gets out of the shower and comes out so i go in.
I turn on the seeping hot water and climb in, ignoring the burning sensation.
I scrub my body with coconut and vinilla body wash. As I scrub my stomach I look at my scar, the scar i got when xander saved me from my father,well tecnically he's not my biological father.
Its also the scar i got when natalie had to preform surgery on me. Im still not sure if i wanna let her in my life, she did leave after all.
I rinse off and get out of the shower,i dry off and get dressed,and put a little makeup on by the time im done im wearing black jogging, a white shirt, black fuzzy ugg's, and one of xanders sweaters.
I come down stairs, once im down there I see breakfast on the table. One of the things i love about xander is that he always makes sure im fed, when i lived with my fath- when i lived with marcus he never let me eat, i only ate when me and jace could scrounge up some money to buy lunch at school or when marcus was in a good mood and let us eat.

Broken Wolf [Hiatus]
Manusia SerigalaAriana is a werewolve she and her brother jace live with there abusive dad what happens when ariana turns 17 and can finally meet her mate (soul mate ) will she find her mate and if he does will he reject her