Chapter 4

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Wesley's eyes widened because he couldn't believe what he was hearing. A stripper wtf. Well the world is big. He looked at this girl in front of him. She was too pretty to be petty. Soon Dorathy cut his thoughts short and said
"Did you hear any word I just said? "
"I'm afraid not"
"Well Mr. Jones, I said that you will have to come up with a way to pacify me or else you're in big trouble" Dorathy said with a smirk.
Wesley knew that such a story would be horrible for his career but what could he possibly do? That, he'd have to ask her.
He said "So what do you want? "
"A million"
"WHOA! "
"OK 250"
"I can deal with that"
"You better if not you're never getting that president seat"
"So where and how do I give you"
"Come to Bay night club by 7 on Friday night just before I go on"
"On what? "
"The pole" Dorathy said with a smirk and walked away.
Wesley was still in shock not because of the amount but because he was giving it to a stripper as a bribe. No one can hear of this weird transaction.
  With that, Wesley drove home after missing his meeting. Dorathy was going on a pole on Friday and Wesley was thinking on how to raise his poll by friday. What a wonderful world we live in

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