Ch. 7: The Aftermath

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As they pulled into the almost abandoned parking lot, Piper daydreamed about the day. The parking lot was lit up by the nearly full moon and the thousands of stars that were sprinkled throughout the jet black sky. Piper gazed up at them as she stepped out of Michael's car.

"I don't think I've ever seen so many stars."

"It's gorgeous isn't it?" Had Piper looked at Michael at that moment, she would have realized that he was looking at her, not the sky.

But she continued to gaze at the sky until a crack of light began to stream from the dining hall. The crack enlarged until the light reached Piper and Michael. A figure was silhouetted in the doorway.

"You two had better get in here. Ruth has been wondering where you are and is not happy that you are late," Jennifer warned them.

"Where's Morgan? I would have figured she'd be here waiting to yell at us," Michael commented half sarcastically as he turned his wrist palm-up to check the time on his army-looking watch.

"She waited for you for a while, but you know how boring she is this summer. She wanted to get to bed early."

"Wait. Why are you still up? Wouldn't you have gotten in trouble with the night guard?" Piper asked.

"Ruth said I could stay up and wait for you but I had to make sure you- we all went right to our cabins." Jennifer had a sneaky look in her eyes.

"Oh. Ok. Well, I should probably get ready for bed then. Good night Michael."

"Night." Michael smiled briefly at Piper then quickly went to his cabin. Piper watched him as he walked away and Jenny couldn't help but notice the lovestruck smile on her face.

"What happened while you two were out? You are nearly bursting!" Jenny teased.

"What do you mean?" Piper smiled shyly back at Jenny as she walked towards the door.

Jenny followed close behind. "The way you looked at him just now. You really like him, don't you? You have to tell me all about it tomorrow."

"What? I wasn't looking at him any certain way. Nothing happened."

"Deny it all you want, girl; I know love when I see it." Jenny tossed her hair as she passed Piper on the way to their cabin. Piper shook her head at Jenny. But she knew Jenny wouldn't give up until she knew every detail. Piper very slowly walked towards the woods to her cabin. She thought about Michael. Then she thought about Ruth. She hoped she wouldn't be too upset with her and Michael, especially when they explained why they had been late. Piper decided she didn't care if Ruth was mad. She would not have changed anything about the day. A smile spread across her face. But her happy thoughts were interrupted by an unwelcome voice behind her.

"You're up late."

"You're one to talk." Piper barely looked at Killian as she answered.

"Were you out with Michael this whole time?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"Not really. I'm just worried about you. I heard that there was a bank robbery not far from here earlier tonight."

That caught piper's attention. "How did you hear that? What did you hear about it?"

"I heard about it from a friend who was caught in the middle of it. He said that everyone was saved by a girl and her boyfriend. Do you know anything about that?"

"I'm sorry, Killian, but I have to get to bed. I'm kind of tired and have to get up early tomorrow."

"That's fine. I got my answer. You forget that I know everything about you; your tells, your quirks, everything. Comes from dating someone for two and a half years."

"I'm not the one who ended things." Piper's face, neck, and chest started to turn red and her voice got louder and harsher. "I loved you. I would have married you someday! I can't believe I was so stupid! How could I have fallen for your trickery, your lies? Do you string every girl along like that? To be honest I'm surprised that you don't have some girlfriend here now."

"What are you talking about? I love you too. I never meant to hurt you, and you read things completely wrong. I don't have a girlfriend now cause I still love you."

"Well get over it, because I am. I have moved on and honestly I was planning on never seeing you again before you showed up here out of the blue. Just leave me alone." Piper raced up the trail before Killian could stop her.

He shouted her name up the trail.

"Shh! You're going to wake everyone up and get in trouble," Bryce whispered. "Ex-girlfriend problems?"

"Yeah. What are you doing up?" Killian changed the subject.

"Why not? So long as your quiet and stay out of the buildings, no one will catch you."

"Except for Tim. I'm gonna go to bed anyway. Night." Killian walked back to the cabin, still not ready to resign his hold on Piper, and he knew he still had a hold, however small it may be.

Anthony had been watching from the woods. When Piper ran off he followed her and caught up with her a few yards in front of her cabin.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. Why is he such a jerk? How can anyone be that despicable?"

"It's not like he's trying to be. And can you blame him for trying to hold on to you? You're pretty amazing."

"Are you siding with him?" Piper joked. "But thanks."

Anthony started to sing "For Me, Formidable" by Charles Aznavour. Piper blushed slightly and begged Anthony to stop.

"Alright. But only if you tell me all about your day. At least about you and Michael."

"Why does everyone keep asking me about what happened?"

"Because it's a small camp and we'll take any gossip we can get." Anthony winked at her.

"I guess. Hey, you're going to get in trouble. You better get back to your cabin. I promise I'll tell you all about it tomorrow."

"K. Good night."

"Good night, Anthony," Piper chuckled.

She hoped to walk into her cabin and go right to bed. She expected everyone to already be asleep. So when she noticed that the lights were on and heard talking and giggling as she approached, she was very surprised and a little disappointed. She had no desire to divulge anything of her evening. She simply wanted to go to bed and deal with everything tomorrow.

As she stood on the porch, her hand on the doorknob, she sighed heavily as she turned the knob and pushed the door open.

"There she is! Where have you been? How was your evening with Michael?" Lily shouted teasingly.

Morgan added in a more serious note, "Ruth is going to be so mad tomorrow."

"I'm sure she'll be fine. Tell us everything," Jenny demanded.

"Yeah!" Margeret agreed.

"Not tonight guys, please. I just want to go to bed. I'm kind of tired," Piper pleaded.

"Ooo! Why? What d'you guys do? Huh?" Lily hinted.

"Seriously, guys. I'll tell you tomorrow if you're still interested but right now I am way too tired."

"Let her go to bed," Sylvia stood up for Piper.

Everyone gave up on convincing Piper to go through her evening with them and soon everyone was in bed and asleep.

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