Ch. 11: Finally

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At that moment, Ruth and Kathy walked into the dining hall, engulfed in conversation. Their expressions went dark when they saw the circle of kids with Michael and Killian in the middle with bloodied noses and mouths.

"What is going on!" Katherine demanded.

Anthony, Bryce, and Nick relaxed their grips on Michael and Killian. The two still glared at each other.

"Calvin. Take the children to the rec room," Ruth ordered.

"But-" Calvin started but he was cut off by Ruth.

"Just do as I said. Now!"

Calvin glared at Ruth for a moment then led the kids away.

"Now I want answers. What happened?" Kathy aimed the question at Michael and Killian.

Neither said a word.

"Does anyone else know what happened?"

Ruth looked at each teen individually, first Anthony, then Bryce, Nick, Jenny, and finally Piper.

"I see. If that's the way it's going to go. I want everyone in my office immediately."

Most of the teens headed toward the office, but Michael broke off from the group and stomped out the door to the parking lot. Piper knew she'd get in trouble if she followed him, but she wanted answers too and she figured Michael might talk to her. So, without heeding Ruth's threats of punishment, Piper ran after Michael.


"Michael! Wait!" Piper saw Michael walking towards the back of the dining hall near the breakroom.

Michael glanced back at Piper and slowed down.

"Care to tell me what happened back there between you and Killian?"

Piper was concerned but she was also angry and she didn't hide it in her tone of voice. Michael stopped and sighed. He touched his bottom lip with his fingers and after seeing that his lip was bleeding, wiped the blood from his fingers on his jeans. He also had a bruise on his cheek and his right eye was a little swollen and turning purple and yellow.

"I don't know. I just got so angry! I-" he sighed again and slipped his hands into Piper's. "I like you. And I don't want anyone getting in the way. But I heard some girls talking about you and Killian, and I see how he looks at you, and-- I guess I just panicked. I wasn't thinking." He dropped her hands and turned his face away from her-- Piper wasn't sure whether he did so out of shame or embarrassment or both.

She picked his hand back up with one hand and turned his face toward her with the other hand. "Hey," she said softly. "I like you too. Killian isn't going to ruin that. I've moved on from him. I don't know what you heard, but there is no way I am getting back together with Killian."

Michael gazed into Piper's eyes for a moment, then he cupped her face in his hand and leaned down and kissed her. A shock went up and down Piper's spine. She dropped Michael's hand in surprise, then put her arms around his neck and returned the kiss. She hoped no one was watching.

When the kiss ended, Piper and Michael stood with their foreheads touching and their eyes still closed. Piper was the first to break the sweet silence.

"We'd better get to the office before someone comes looking for us and we get in even more trouble."


Slowly Michael stood back up straight. They walked hand-in-hand until they got to the door. They walked through the break room and into the kitchen. On the way to the dining hall, Piper grabbed some paper towels and tried to clean the little bit of blood off of Michael's face. Then they walked down to the office.

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