Ch 14: Secrets

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Piper and Gabe laughed and talked as they drove. Gabe was a really interesting guy and Piper was glad she was getting to know more about him.

"Hey, before you pick up your car, you wanna just hang out?"

"Sure. Have anything specific in mind?"

"There's a mini street market downtown today. Probably not much but I thought it sounded interesting. And those types of things are always more fun when you're not alone."

"Sounds great!"

"Good. It's only about ten minutes from here."

They had to park a few blocks away and walk the rest of the way to the market. It was significantly warmer here than it had been at camp and Piper was regretting wearing a chunky sweater.

As they walked around looking at nearly every booth, they continued talking and Gabe mentioned that he sensed tension between Killian and Piper.

"We have a history. I dated Killian a while back and it ended badly. I thought I would be rid of him when I came out here, but then he showed up at camp. Now there are issues between him and Michael. I didn't know he could be such a jerk."

"It's a sort of superpower some guys have to be massive jerks, but be able to hide it."

"Wow. Guys usually don't agree even if they themselves aren't jerks."

"Well, I know a thing or two about relationships turning bad because a guy was a jerk."

"Oh. Were you directly involved in a relationship that ended like that?"

"Yeah. Actually, my last relationship. See my boyfriend ended up being really controlling and- what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're gay?!"

"Yes. You didn't know?"

"Gabe. I don't think anyone at camp knows or even suspects. Oh, Lily is gonna freak when she finds out!"

"Really? So I seem straight?"

"Let me put it this way- I know anti-gay, straight as a line straight guys who are gayer than you."

"Woah. I don't know what to think of that. I always assumed people could tell. I mean I never hid the fact that I am. Hmm. So all this time, everyone at camp thought I was straight? And why will Lily freak?"

"Because she mentioned just this morning that you are cute!" By this point, Piper was laughing pretty hard.

"Ok, now people are staring. Stop it, ok? Piper-" Gabe sighed and gave up. He shook his head and smiled.

"I'm sorry. This is just the greatest thing! Ok. Ok. I'm good. Phew. It sure is hot here though."

Gabe couldn't tell if Piper was red from laughing or the heat. He figured it must have been from her fit of uncontrollable laughter at his expense. He really didn't mind though. It was kind of funny.

"Ooo! Let's look at this booth!"

Piper ran over to a booth selling superhero and Star Wars tank tops. Gabe browsed the guys' section while Piper grabbed a bunch from her section and began checking price tags.

"These are actually priced really well. I think I will buy these three."

She held up a Han Solo tank, a Spider-Man v-neck, and a comic book looking Batman tank top.

"They look good."


Piper bought the shirts and they continued walking.

"Ok, it is too hot for this sweater. I have to change into one of these tank tops."

"The Han Solo one."

"Good choice."

Pipe ducked behind a few booths and reemerged sporting the flowy Han Solo tank.

"Much better. I can't believe it's so hot here! I wonder if it warmed up at camp at all."

"I think I'll stay in town a while past lunch so they don' t try to get me to lifeguard. Today is my day off and by golly, I'm going to take it!"

"By golly? I haven't heard anyone other than my dad say that. But if you want any company, I'll stay and hang out more."

"Oh, I'd love that! I don't have any more plans, but we can just wander around."

"I'd like that."

"Well, then. Shall we?" Gabe offered his arm.

Piper looped her arm through Gabe's. "We shall."

Off they strolled through the rest of the market. 


Meanwhile, back at camp, the morning was as lazy as ever. It had warmed up a bit outside and stopped raining, but it was still overcast. Everyone was inside either in the dining hall or the rec room. Sylvia serenaded everyone in the dining hall with her piano playing while the dishwashers sat around in silence. When Nick and Terrance emerged from the kitchen, Terrance joined the group but Nick walked over to Sylvia and sat on the floor.

"You think there's anything going on between Sylvia and Nick?" Terrance asked.

Michael looked up from his phone and glanced at the two. "Nah."

"Really? Hmm. Oh well."

"Oh come on guys," Margret interjected. "They'd be so cute together!"

"I don't know," Michael pondered. "She just doesn't seem like his type. And I wonder... nah."


"Nothing. I'm probably wrong. Forget it. But I still don't think there is anything between them." 

"Ok... So let's talk about you and Piper." 

"Ooo! Yes!" Lily said.

"No way."

"Oh come on, Michael. We need some sort of gossip. Camp is getting kind of boring."

Michael snorted. "I wouldn't mind if it were a bit less eventful." He touched his black eye.

"Oh, right. Well... talking about Piper will make you feel better," Lily tried. 

"Not gonna happen."

"Fine. Then I'll tell Ruth you were at the girls' cabin last night."

"What?" Terrance took interest in the conversation. 

"Blackmail? That's low. But go ahead. I was just lending Piper the light from my phone cause hers died."

"Mhmm. And I'm sure Ruth won't have a problem with the fact that y'all kissed."

Everyone was intently interested in the conversation now. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Ha! You blushed! Then you have kissed before," Lily smiled smugly at her success. 

Calvin leaned forward and studied Michael's face. 

"Cal, what are you doing?" Michael questioned. 

"You definitely kissed her."

"I knew it!" 

Michael wasn't sure what to do. He was sure he couldn't deny it without blushing and giving it away so he changed the subject. 

"Let's talk about you, Lily."


"You like Gabe, don't you?"

"What! No way!" But despite her protesting, Lily blushed ever so slightly. 

A crooked smirk spread across Michael's face. He felt pretty smug about his revenge. But Nick spoiled any chance of future humiliation for Lily when he walked up and reminded everyone that they should get to work; lunch was in forty-five minutes and the dishwashers could be used in the kitchen. Lily and Margret groaned in defiance, but they followed everyone else into the kitchen.  

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