Ch. 16: Starry Night

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Dinner seemed to pass quickly. Children trickled out of the dining hall, none eager to get to class. Piper was glad she didn't have a class; she could spend time with Michael instead. Of course, that time would be spent washing dishes and doing the evening cleaning of the dish room and kitchen, but she still looked forward to the time. 

As she and Michael were nearing the dish room, Bryce's screamo music could be heard blasting within. Piper strode in and immediately turned it off demanding that something else be played. Nick gladly obliged and played techno until Jenny arrived, late as always, and played Disney instead. Piper and Jenny sang along to every song, much to the boys' chagrin. When all that was left was mopping, Piper left the dish room and joined Nick, Terrance, and Gabe out in the dining hall. 

"What's up?"

"Not much," Nick answered. "We're just trying to figure out what to watch tomorrow night."

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot to tell y'all! I got permission to play 'Star Wars: A New Hope' in my classroom tomorrow night for the staff. I figured we could confiscate beanbags and pillows, and Jenny and I have a secret stash of blankets we could use. I'm going to drive into town tomorrow and buy snacks so if you have any requests let me know by lunch and feel free to donate to the cause." Piper winked at them. 

Gabe spoke up, "I don't mind putting some money toward snacks so long as you get sour cream and onion chips."

"Oh, that's a given. I may buy some snacks for the campers as well, just to be fair."

"Sounds good," Nick agreed. 

"Then that's settled. The campers are watching a movie in the rec. room for the last class, so that's when I'll start 'A New Hope' if everyone is finished with work. Please let the rest of the guys know. I'll tell the girls."

Piper was still standing and Michael walked up behind her and put his chin on her head. 

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Star Wars," Piper replied as she ducked out from under him and turned to face him.

"What about them?"

"I'm playing 'A New Hope' tomorrow for the staff." Piper told Michael the details. 

"Sweet! Mind waiting for a little after lunch before you go shopping?"


"Cause it shouldn't take long to finish up lunch dishes and then I can come with you."

"Oh! Ok then," Piper beamed. "I'll wait in the dining hall for you."

Gabe interrupted, "Are you two going to stand there all night or would you like to join the group?"

"Oh. Right," Piper said as she and Michael each sat down at the table. Concealed under the table, Michael held Piper's hand and a warm tingle ran up her arm. 

"So now we've decided what to do tomorrow night. What about tonight?" Terrance asked.

"Beach?" Calvin suggested as he, Margret, and Piper walked up to the table. 

"That's a great idea!" Nick popped up from his chair and linked an arm under Terrance and Gabe's arms to pull them up as well. Then he dropped their arms and urged everyone out the door. Jenny and Anthony exited the kitchen just in time to see Lily duck outside and they followed the group. 

Thankfully it had stopped raining but the sandy road to the beach was as hard as cement. When they got to the hill leading down to the beach, the sand got dryer and softer and Piper slipped off her shoes to dig her toes into the cold sand. The sun was just setting behind the trees as they approached the dock. Most of the group sat on the benches, but Anthony, Piper, Michael, Jenny, and Gabe laid down on the dock in that order between the benches, their heads near the water and their feet pointing towards the sandy beach. It was a tight fit with all five of them squished there, but Piper was warm snuggled between Michael and Anthony. The stars came out one by one until the sky glittered with countless spots of light. As everyone talked and laughed, Piper was aware of the fact that Michael's breathing matched her own and with her head on his chest, she could hear his heartbeat, slow and soft. Eventually, Anthony tried to get everyone to be quiet for one minute. After several failed attempts that ended in an eruption of laughter, the group settled down and were quiet for much longer than a minute. Piper closed her eyes and enjoyed the silence that was interrupted only by the rhythmic beating of Michael's heart. Before she knew it, she had drifted off to sleep- only for a few minutes though as she woke with a start when Michael started to sit up. She blinked sleepily and sat up as well, leaning back on her hands. 

"Were you sleeping?" Michael asked in a hushed tone to keep Lily and Margret from hearing. 

"I think so," Piper said with a laugh. 

Michael enveloped her in a hug and kissed the top of her head. 

Anthony gingerly interrupted the moment. "We should get going. The night guard will be checking down here soon."

Terrance had already started back to the dining hall and everyone else was standing up to leave. Michael took Piper's hand and helped her up. As they all walked down the trail to the dining hall, Piper was shielded from the cold because of Michael's arm around her shoulders. He was wrapped up in conversation with Gabe and Calvin, but Piper snuggled into him and he instinctively squeezed her tighter. 


Piper and Michael stopped at the split in the trail. They only had a few minutes before the twelve o'clock curfew, but they took a moment to say goodnight. Michael cupped Piper's face in his hands and kissed her. Then they went their separate ways, Michael to the left and Piper to the right. Piper raced to her cabin and slammed the door shut at exactly twelve o'clock. As she laid out her clothes for the next day, Jenny said,

"You better hope you two never get caught."

"We won't. We are very careful." Piper bit her lip thoughtfully and smiled. 

"Ok. Just a warning." 

"Thanks, Jenny." Piper hopped into bed and tucked the covers up to her chin as she fell asleep.   

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