Chapter 10: What We Don't Want To Lose

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Bailey's POV

We slowly walked back to the house without speaking. Once we reached the park, we took a rest. Sitting in a circle on the nightly wet grass; we were still silent.

They can never find out, promise that they won't.

I promise Bailey, they will never learn what we know.

"So... should we go back?" After 25 minutes of everyone being lost in their thoughts, Ice broke it.

"Alright, let us go," I responded without looking at them.

We all stood up and started again and walked to mine and Dixie's house. Upon entering the group behind me shivered. Dixie's father never liked to turn on the heat, making the house freezing all year round. We quietly walked up the steps to Dixie and I's bedroom, Shooting Star closing the door behind her as she was the last one.

I put out the two pictures that we had and smiled. This time, happy memories came back. They felt warm and wonderful, and I wanted Dixey to feel this way to.

Dixey's POV

I still had a smile on my face, as I to remembered the happy memories of my past friends, and my present friends notice.

"What do you remember about Fiona, Dixey?" Shyla asked, letting the others know that I had control again.

I sighed, "We had fun together. Sleepovers were the best way of having fun. That's actually what we were doing in here," I picked up the photo and smiled a bit more, showing of my teeth a little.

"What about Amilia?" Amanda stepped closer to me.

"Well," I paused, "she was alright. She had her sense of humor and great stories."

"So they were more fun then us," said Andrew, looking at the floor.

I punched him in the arm and he winsed. "Come on man, I would prefer you guys over them in a heartbeat!"

"Doesn't seem like it," said Amanda, also looking at the floor.

I punched her in the arm as well, in return, her giving me a look and rubbing her arm, "I would rather have a group of amazing friends who wouldn't do anything to hurt me, then for me to be with friends whose family is rich as rich can be that act like they rule the world."

All three of them looked up and smiled at me. I started for my door and the group followed. I couldn't help but chuckle at this, "Guys, just stay here. I'm just going to get us some snacks, ok?" Reluctantly, they stayed behind and sat on the floor.

I went to the kitchen and got my friends some cans of pop and a lot of junk food. I was really surprised to see some food in the kitchen at all though. Ever since I was born, my family had trouble putting food on the table. Normal kids come home and go straight to the fridge to grab a bagel or a yogurt, not me. I always go straight to work after school to put some more food in my mother and father's system.

I was really lucky though, because being only 14 and not even be able to drive yet, I got a job working at a food store. My boss was nice, trying to help my family as much as he was able to. Sadly it wasn't a lot, only able to give me 7 dollars every hour and letting me take home whatever I wanted from the store. I did whatever I could to feed my folks, even though they wanted me to eat and not them. Eventually they would give up trying to feed me and ate their food I got for them that day.

I made my way up to my room and entered just as Amanda was done telling the others something unimportant. I gave them their snacks and joined them on the floor once.

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