Chapter 15: Samantha

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Bailey's POV

The time was only 3:45. We could have enough time to go visit Rachel before the sun goes down. We were on our way to Samantha's house, which was only about a half an hour walk from the park.

"So Bailey, what's the word on the back of the picture?" Shooting Star asked.

I took the picture out of the bag and flipped it around. "'Will.'" I informed them.

"Alright. Hold up, did we get Pacifica's word yet?" Asked Ice.

I reached inside and grabbed Pacific's photo, "The word was 'never', did we know it?"

"I guess not because it doesn't seem familiar," Shooting Star said.

"So Fiona's was 'for', Amilia's was 'my', Wendy's was 'give', Pacifica's was 'never', and Catherine's was 'Will'?" Ice questioned.

"How do you remember all this stuff?!" asked Llama. Ice shrugged and we continued on.

About 10 minutes later we make it. I had forgotten how the old place looked.

It was the same big mansion as it used to be. A solid white house with black shutters that popped out the 20 or so windows. The driveway may have grown a few feet or so, making it who knows how long. A black fence was alongside the paved way, and we walked along with it. 

Once we got to the house, the door was open, and everyone started to enter.

"What are you doing?" I asked them, putting my hands on my hips.

They turned to look at me just outside the doorway. "Going inside, where else?" Llama said.

   I pulled out my journal and showed them the page with Samantha's information on it. On the left side of the page was simple information, like age, height, number, and address. On the right, however, had the good stuff. How the girl was killed, where she was killed, what number of victims she was, even the time of her death. I had it all.

"The backyard again?" Ice said, after looking at the right page.

"Seems this killer definitely has no heart. The poor girl died by drowning," Shooting Star added.

I lead the way to the backyard, opening the black gate that closed it off. I let them in first and followed right after, making sure the gate closed.

Andrew's POV

The yard was vast. Bright green grass growing out of the dark brown soil. Pink carnations were surrounding the area along the still pitch black fence. A swing set was in the far right corner of the field, next to it being a gargantuan slide going up at about 20 feet. 

I turned my head to get a better look at the slide to see a large number of stairs, only to find that it was an escalator, not stairs.

Bailey started to move again after a little bit, going towards the inground pool they had in the middle of the yard. The water was crystal blue with no bugs or signs of anything gross in it. The floor of the pool was a baby blue, making the water seem to be at just the right temperature.

"So this is where she died then," said Shyla, "It's a pretty place to die at least."

I looked up to find a single pool toy in the water. A raft. On it laid the body. It was pale as snow, the fingertips were purple. That's when I noticed the blood.

The water had made the blood a cherry red, making it pop out from the blue water that seemed to lose its excitement. There were cuts on the arms, legs, and back. Blood coming out of the mouth as well. 

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